Thursday, July 31

I am, unfortunately, amazed

I am more and more amazed by God and His providence daily.  Looking at the last two weddings I've been to these last two weeks, both willingly and honestly point to God as the one who brought those couples together.  Last night, I talked to another friend who in week's time went from being the most uncertain person about his future to having the next 2-3 years covered for school and financially secure.  I also found out that someone's words which were meant to do harm to me were confounded and turned instead into my blessing.

Amazing.  I am amazed.

"One of these days the earth will shake;
These iron bars will fall away."

I am amazed, unfortunately.  Should I I ever expect the Father to do otherwise?  He is good and awesome, and He loves to care for us.  He is amazing by our deficiencies; He is faithful because of who He is.
I don't want to lose the wonder, but I long for the day when I am no longer amazed, but just knowingly am exceedingly grateful for who He is and expect, truly, that all things work for those called to His purpose.  He is true to al of His words, sunrise to sunrise.  Because He is.

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