Tuesday, July 31

I'm pretty

This morning, I walked into Lily's bedroom and found Claire smiling up at me...

Look out Little Miss Sunshine, we're comin to take your title...

Currently listening :
The Boy with No Name
By Travis
Release date: 08 May, 2007

Monday, July 30

God Save Thee

"God save thee, ancient Mariner!
From the fiends, that plague thee thus! -
Why look'st thou so?" - "With my cross-bow
I shot the albatross."

~The Rime of the Ancient Mariner
S. T. Coleridge

What good intentions I have. They seem so worthy and admirable. I've got great plans to make my wife feel loved, to help the world feel Christ's love, to put myself to good use. But with the best intentions I find myself doing none.
I'm leaving for Honduras in a couple of days, and I'm praying that God uses me to His glory. When I leave that town, I don't care if they remember me, but I want them, desperatley, to remember the good news we bring. I leave my intentions at the gates of the airport in Philly and allow myself to be used for the plans of My Father who knows infinitely better than me.

Currently reading :
Les Misérables (Signet Classics)
By Victor Hugo
Release date: 03 March, 1987

Friday, July 27

I'm not broken, I'm new

I have the hardest time grasping my new life in Christ, because there are still parts of me who linger in the past. Little voices that remind me of what i did when I was 12. "Pictures less proudly displayed". I want to graso this new life whole-heartedly beyond all things. Maybe I should focus on myself less, and on Christ, my new life, wholly and singularly.

Currently reading :
Don't Waste Your Life
By John Piper
Release date: 16 May, 2003

Thursday, July 26

a total misappropriation of lyrics

So, I'm up to 8 miles as of this morning. My pace is a little slow, but I blame the humidity.. whew was it bad today. Iwas listening to my iPod when one of my friend Luke's songs came through, Melancholy. Though I'm sure I'll hear how I am not getting the point of the song, I was struck by two thoughts as I listened:

a) my love for Christ may one day kill me. My anticipation and my longing for things unseen, my hopefulness to please and live my life satisifed in Him will one day kill me.

b) I am really not leaning toward taking pictures of myself with the kids in Honduras. I want it to be some sick souvenir so I can moan about how poor and desperate they are down there. Theya re blessed, and they were placed in Honduras because God knew that they are probably a lot stronger than me. We'll see if I last the week.

Currently reading :
Les Misérables (Signet Classics)
By Victor Hugo
Release date: 03 March, 1987

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Wednesday, July 25

the internet and my fears

So, I have avoided the internet the last few days until I finished Harry Potter... and ahhh..I'm back. I have checked g-mail but have hastily kpet my eyes from the more popular subject searched. I have longed to go where I should not, but I didn;t, and I feel the better, stronger for it. And all of you out there who tried to spoil it for me.. I win.
I'm gonna wait a bit before I launch into a discussion of whether or not I was right, so that all you readers can be done. So, I'll wait... like a very patient snorkblat.
Currently reading :
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows (Book 7)
By J. K. Rowling
Release date: 21

Thursday, July 19

I'm a 28 y.o. in love with a ficional character

So, there are two days left before the last Harry Potter book comes out... and yes, I will be making an appearance at Borders on friday night. My sister Kyleigh and I will be standing in line with all the other 12-50 yr olds... but the 30-50 will be with their kids. Mine aren't old enough to read on their own yet, and Kyleigh is still playing the single cards. And there I'll be, defending my place in line against kids probably dressed like Hermione, or Ron, and babies dressed like Norbert. Ands there I'll be, Muggled up and all. Not sure, though if I'll finish the book in one night. I do have a marathon to run coming up and I am still in endurance and persevernace mode.

Could I be too old for this?

Currently listening :
Our Love to Admire
By Interpol
Release date: 10 July, 2007

Tuesday, July 17

the ends

For the ends of Being and the Ideal Grace... it would seem that this is love, right? To reach higher than we are, and behold more than who we are and to long, to want, beyond ourselves. Adn this is found in the converstaions I have with friends, and co-workers. It seems so others focused, but I question whether it is. Be casue when we have reached to such great heights, where can we go but down? Or to struggle for to remain and stagnate.
And these are the words of Christ, that no greater love has any man than this, but to lay down his life for a friend. The ultimate height and expression of love is seen in how much you are willing to kill of yourself to see it in true reality.
So I remind myself, with a little help from Lewis, that my crown, the crown of husbanhood, is a crown of thorns, and it is no less dignified because it is the same as Christ's. And I am reminded by Piper that Marriage, both secular and chirtsian, both religious and non, is sacred and it is sostring a commitment, only natural death can break those bonds.

Currently listening :
Our Love to Admire
By Interpol
Release date: 10 July, 2007

Sunday, July 15

the secret of the movies...

Tonight, HEather and I took a break form me being sick, and her being mom to go see Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix... or the visual cliffnotes of the book. Really good, but I sat there and stewed in the my urine, I realized that going to the movies is really a test of strength and determination. If I get up to go pee, I will miss something and the movie execs want me to... then I either HAVE to see the movie again to make up for the bits I missed, or buy the movie when it comes out in the holidays. Well, here's in your face Warner Brothers! I think I'd rather get the urinary tract infection than play into your hands! Ha ha...and in your face you gits!

Currently listening :
Our Love to Admire
By Interpol
Release date: 10 July, 2007

Friday, July 6

We have oficially moved

Ok, gang, Heather and I have moved. The phone number and e-mail are the same, so feel free to call us! If you would like the new address, please let me know. I'm really gonna miss the house on Virginia... it was a good house, and the garden is coming along quite well...

And furthermore, please keep me in your prayers as I ready myself for my trip to Honduras with the Missions team.