Monday, October 29

The race has been run

Well, friends, I have run a marathon. I didn't do as well as I had hoped... I hit the wall around mile 20 pretty hard. But I finished. I ran the 26.2 in 6 hours and 3 minutes. My pace was levelled to about 1 mile in 13 minutes. I had a great start with about a 10 minute mile. But when I hit the wall, it was bad. However, it was pretty incredible, being surrounded by so many poeple and running through the suburbs of DC. The sights were magnificnet and it was a beautiful day for a run. I saw some great signs ("Release your Inner-Kenyan" for example), and was offerred lots of great encouragement and stuff for hydration and energy (including Bloody Marys in Georgetown and some pretty awfule apple-pie energy gels). After the race I was incredibly sore (and some parts of me are asking why I did it) but I feel great today! In fact, I wonder and look forward to when I can get back out and run.
Heather also ran the 10K and she kicked butt, finishing it at a little over an hour. Amazing.

Saturday, October 27

Today could be the last day I walk

Tomorrow, I run the Marine Corps Marathon and my insides are feeling it. My body feels fine, but it also feels like the container of Mercury... there is something inside that is just busting to get out. I've trained and have done ok. I just want to finish. Finishing well would be great, but I have this fear of not finishing that only seems to be compounded by those I meet.

"You're running HOW far?"
"I would never do that."
"For FUN?"

Well, by this time on monday, I will probably be sore. I'm expecting it. But I will have done something I have never done before.

So, as you go to church on sunday, say a small prayer for me and the Devonshire Crew, and everyone else running. Or a big prayer... If Catholic, which I know one of you is, please light a candle. Or two. Or one for each joint and limb of my body.

Thursday, October 25

Just the Treats

Tonight was Trick-or-Treat night in the neighborhood. It was the first year that Claire really had any idea as to what was going on. It was great. She was Sleeping Beauty, Lily was Abbey Cadabee, Heather was Cinderella, and I was a cowboy. Claire wanted me ot be Prince Philip, but we could find no Princely attire.
The SMall Group gang came over and we held the annual games and apple cider fun. While Heather and I were out with the girls for a bit, Brent said that a lot of people had come. It really did die early. Not at all like the Trick-or-Treats I remembered as a kid. The neighborhood is just getting older I guess.
It was great though. Everyone seemed to really enjoy the games and the warm cider. God provided a beautiful night for us to invite others to come to check out our Wednesday night kid's ministry. I love this holiday... its my third favourite, and seeing the girls out was great!
I sometimes struggle with all that I do and the time I spend with them. I wonder if I do to much church stuff. Its not as if I don't love what I do there, I really think God has placed me in a lot of positions where I can work and do what He wants me to do well, and its great when its oppurtunities to work with Heather and to be with the girls, but I hate to think its some kind of trade. School will be over in a couple of years and Heather and I are greatly looking forward to that. I just wish that there was a better way. I will say that it could be a lot worse and God definitely does not give us more than we can handle. But still, two more years will come and go and then I can hopefully live a life that is not split twain, but will be whole.
Anyway... here are some pictures from tonight's adventures:

Saturday, October 20

Somewhere around mile 12

SO, I was doing good... Not as good as I would have liked, but there I was facing the cold and the truckers for a good saturday run. I was doin' good, real good, and then somewhere in Linglestown, around mile 14 I stepped on a stone on the edge of the asphalt and the burn and I slipped. My entire rght leg form hip to ankle is sore and stiff, but I went on, to finish my little under than 16 mile run. My time, you ask? Don't worry about the time my friends. I'll finish the race. I'll make the bridge! Or my name isn't Derek Thrush!

Well, its not, so we'll see what actaully happens. But I'm thikin if I am this sore only after 16 miles, what is 26 gonna feel like?

But today was a beautiful day. It was a perfect fall day for a run.

Sunday, October 14

Lily Turn'd 1 today

We have lasted another year starting with two children and two children we remain! Healthy and wise, our girls are great! We celebrated Lily's birthday yesterday with much pomp and familiar circumstance. Justa small party with little cupcakes I made that looked like puppies, and a lot of presents from the "grand's". Claire was a little beside herself as the green monster made an apperance (and I ain't talkin about the Hulk, neither), but as was well and taken care of. Lily had a great time and was soon passed out in Nana's arms.

Saturday, October 13


Can we be under freewill yet surrendered to God?

Monday, October 8

Why Try?

How much harder can it get?

You try everything in your power to go about things the right way, the Godly way, and there are some people who make it as hard as possible. They make it hard to work with them. They make it hard to love them. But you try, and you try and you keep on trying, and the next thing you know all the blame rests on your shoulders and you are the bad guy. Forget the role they played, forget the past griveances, its you and there is nothing you can do to sway their mind.

So they're worried about your paranoia while questioning whether or not you will talk about them behind their backs. And they bring up converstaions you can't remember ever having, and are sure never occurred, to persuade you that it is really your fault.

And you wanna pray for them, but you wonder if they would count that against you.

God give me the ability to give grace as easily as I accept it from You.