Sunday, September 30

Give me assurance

And without faith it is impossible to please Him, for whoever would draw near to God must believe that He existsand that He rewards those who seek Him.
-Heb. 11:6

In all that I have, may I live a life full of assurance and gratitude to the one who not only gives me my life, but redeems it.

Saturday, September 29

A wedding

Heather's mum got married to day to her dreamboat, Denny. It was a nice day and the service was good. Heather did a wonderful job singing and the girls could've been a lot worse.
A couple highlights... Claire trying to push up Aunt Jill's and Heather's dresses in front of the congregation. Claire taking pictures during the ceremon. Claire trying to mount my back yelling "Come on Horsey! Get up Horsey!" while I try to stop Lily from crawling onto the stage... oh, yeah, it was a beautiful ceremony.
In all seriousness, it was nice. The church was a small Lutheran church in Middletown and it was quaint and quite nice inside. The accoustics were perfect. The look onD awn's face when she came down the aisle just said so much. She was so happy.

Everytime I go to a wedding, my mind automatically goes to the wedding of Christ at the end of days. The spotless one receiving those He has redeemed, dressed in white. All of heaven standing and watching as the culmination of the ages takes place. What a thought! All of this over and the Lord is seen as He truly is!

We then went on the Pride of the Susquehanna for the reception. We had a really good time. I hope that They're enjoying the honeymoon.

We are still infested, and we warned everyone today about it. It's very embarrassing to say, "Hey becareful of me and my kids, you may go home with a small gift." . But we're washing and scrubbing, and washing and vaccuming. I had to cancel Heather's surprise birthday party on fridya because there is no guarantee that we can be perfectly clear for everyone to hang out here with us.

Friday, September 28


So we have been infested. We are now washing everything and everything's uncle in hot water hoping to kill these blasted bugs, given to us by friends. So we wash and scrub our hair, adn the treatment is not cheap. And since I found out the possibility that we may have them, I have felt all itchy on my scalp.

I was already having a bad enough day, this was not the icing on the cake, more like the infection in the stab wound...

Wednesday, September 19

Arrrrrrr is ok today

Today is International Talk Like a Pirate Day!

Need I say anymore?

Jonah, where's that boat goin'?

The reluctant servant of God is a servant of God none-the-less. When faced with the oppurtunity to be to speak life into someone else's life, I hope that I always choose the horrors of Ninevah over and against the safety to Jerusalem. God does not mean for us to be safe, but he is sovreign. And what is so safe in Jerusalem that He did not provide and can not take it away?

Tuesday, September 18

Ship set with eager sails

I'm running with the hope and happy thought that maybe I just need to start at the beginning. By going backwards, can I claim that I am losing ground? Should I care that others look at me with sense of "he should have known better"?
But how canI be a great example and a good service to my Lord without making amends and trying to be better the next time around? I want to be better. I want to do good. I long to want God more than I do, because I am complacent and happy with my clouded mind until I try to get a good look at my Lord.
"One thing I ask, that I would seek..." Ps 27

How I want to only want one all-encompassing thing from God. But I find my sheet is full and I am scribbling in the margins and borders.
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Monday, September 17

Too much info....

Tonight, I shared a bit more than I wanted to ever share in a smaller group set up. And I keep thinking, maybe its a good thing, being that vulnerable. But vulnerability is not the word. Its not that I'm afraid of any repurcussions, but I shared a part of my story that I never share... its a part of my story that I only tell if you're that close. I usually just hint at it, or paint dark shadows as to confuse others as to just what I'm talking about. But I was kinda forced into a corner, and felt that I needed to share in order to stop them from asking.

I shared out of fear, not of a need. And I think thats the worst.

Sunday, September 16

When I look at the Stars...

I have long tried ot point out adn teach the stars and their constellations to my daughter Claire. I think astronomy is a beautiful and worth knowing. I would never go in for astology, but I know that God placed the stars in the heavens justa s surely as he placed the hills and mountains, streams and lakes, and God has given me the desire to know theses things. They are beautfiul and display the wonder and glory of the Father. Iw as very excited when tonight she pointed out Saturn quite accuratley. She is always looking to the moon. Its amazing.
I also teach them to her because I do not want any smooth guy doing what I did... getting alone on a date in the dark in order to show them the "stars". Its an easy way to get the girl alone and in the dark. I did it, and I'm sure some of you did, too. So, I see this as a pre-emptive strike.
However, on our way home from Small Group Heather pointed out that my plan could work against me... what if Claire should decide this is a worthwhile exploit for her to get her guy alone. hmmm... the best laid plans of mice and fathers...

Saturday, September 15

Still unpacking

We have been here at our house on Rhode Island Ct for about three moths now and we are still unpacking. Our neighbours who have only been here about three weeks are basically done. I went over to visit the other day and they invited me inside adn I was amazed at how put togther they are over there. Its amazing! Pictures on the walls, toys are where they should be.. I'm amazed.
But we're working on it! We finally put our new closet organizer in, thanks ot my brother, and Heather spent a good part of the day organizing the garage. I spent today doing laundry so that we can put stuff into our new Organizeable closet. So, we;re working on it. It's just taking a bit of time.
So, if you come to visit, please excuse the boxes... they come in handy to put your drink on.

Tuesday, September 11

The Kingdom of the Sea

There really are not two forces raging inside me. Its just me. Me, alone, battling against God. And that where I feel the most self-destructive. It literally tears me apart. For my wants go this way, and my desires go another. I am looking up at Him, with lips murmuring pleas, as my arms and hands and legs do things while my eyes are distracted.
And it is self-destructive, right? Its my self battling the other part of my self. One pulling the other back from giving it all away.
And the thing is, I know better, right? Of course I do. Without a heart of knowledge how can there be repentance.

I'm just tired of the struggle and of the repentance.
So, if my prayers seem hopeful to you about my urgency for Christ's return, please do not misread piety and holy earnestness. I'm just tired and need a nap.

Monday, September 10

A Question on Shakespeare...

I ran across this article at questioning the idea that Shakespeare wrote all of the sonnets and plays which are accredited to him. This is not the first time I had heard such a thing, but that does not soften the blow.
Why couldn't have he?
Well, there are two arguments which bother me from this article (I have placed the link below so youc an read it for yourself):
1) It is claimed that no single man could have written the amount of work he did so flawlessly.
-Well, why not question it. If a God could not have written the Bible how could one mortal have written such a wonderful body of work? It is not possible! Futhermore, I think from this line of argument you would count it up as heresy to believe that Shakespeare could write so well and God could not! I mean, if modern man could not do it, how could this guy in the 1600's do it! Madness to think so highly of someone who does not have the technology or education that we do. Are we really this violently proud of ourselves?
I'm really quite worried about where this leads us. Who is next to be quetsioned based on these standards. What we are really doing is lowering the bar as far as the past and idolizing ourselves as the crowning jewel of humanity and what a shame that would be.

2) It is also argued that it could not be his work because the same language he used while writing in pentameters was not used in other writings... like his will.
Well, I am telling you, brother, that if my will is not laced with ym mis-spellings, and my use of the active voice, throw it out! Its a forgery!
Why would anyone, I mean anyone, use thier playwright/poet voice to compose a will? Does this proof anything except Shakepeare knew when to wrote poetry and when to write prose! If I meet him in heaven and he is not speaking in measured iambic pentameter, I'll greatly question everything i know about him.
Gits! These arguments are made by actors. If they are not acting a part at all times, even off the stage, can we assume they are terrible on the stage?

I would never assume to know the honest truth as to whether or not Shakespeare wrote all of his work, but I think this questioning of authority is most things is obviously leading to a dillusionment of questions to be asked. At least, ask intelligent questions based on fact, not on the hunches of human prowess, or the availability of time clocks.

Thursday, September 6

Never again

Never again will I curse the ground because of human beings, even though every inclination of the human heart is evil from childhood. And never again will I destroy all living creatures, as I have done.
Gen. 8:21

My heart is is not a lonely hunter. It tis full of the company it keeps - lust, envy, hatred, and the thoughts and images in my head. I give them limited reign and measure. I want them to be gone.
The thorns that twist in my side are nott even my present wants. They are desires ill-begotten from my past and all the remainders lingering in the recesses of my mind.
I ask for help to look to the future and see my present glory.

Shortly after, God promises not to destroy the earth again, He pronounces His establishment of the seasons; the earth's cycles. And this is important. I believe that the establishment of the cycles is the beginning for us to understand the constancy of God despite us. His never-ending care for us is through the many cycles of the land and within our own lives. Have I not winters and summers? God ordained.
God's sovereignty is tied up with His care and constancy in our lives.