Wednesday, January 30

Electile Dysfunction

Last night, a friend of mine told me her husband was suffering from what he called "Electile Dysfunction".  This is when none of the candidates present and running arouses you to vote.  I liked this term, and asked if there was a hospital, or doctor that could treat my problem.  Maybe there's a little blue pill out there for me, too.

I don't know that I'm looking for direction as far as who to vote for.  I think I just need a reason to vote.  Maybe if I feel backed into a corner on some moral or political issue then I'll have to force myself into it.  

Until then, I surf the internet hoping one of the candidates will do it for me.

Tuesday, January 29

a scene from a reading class

She wrote on her hand for most of the period.  Scribbling and scrawling, I'm not sure but ti seemed as if she were quoting song lyrics.  On the back of her hand she wrote, "HAte is ALL i do", written with a smiley face with crossed out eyes.

Faintly, underneath it, partly washed away was: Love ME.

She wrote and scribbled more, and was very careful never to expose her palm wide enough for me to read what was going on.  

Tuesday, January 22

I have a problem

So, I went to the Mormon website, because I know that they give out free copies of the Book of Mormon.  Well, it turns out that they have to actually hand you a copy via missionaries (you know, those kids with ties riding bikes?).  Well, I'm curious if there is anyone out there who is willing to go through the actual "missionary" episode so that I could get my free copy, just let me know.  That would be great.

(I thought about just filling out the address form with someone else's address and explaining later, but you can thank my wife for all of the missionaries not coming to your house.  So, yeah, you should probably thank her.)

Friday, January 18

My observation built from another

I do not think I am brilliant.  Not at all.  But you wanna see evangelism of the future?

We once asked, "Is there a God?" hoping that question was what the person we were talking to was wrestling withe this question.
But when the polls show that most people, in America, believe in a higher thinker...

We need to start listening for the question: "What makes your truth exclusive?" and maybe be ready to answer it.

Thursday, January 17

Standing on a chair in the middle of the room

I found myself today, again, putting myself in a position where I really did not want to be.  We were playing a game, what would have been a group building exercise anywhere else, and despite my best efforts to put others on the chair, I ended up there myself.  
I wanted to avoid it.  I wanted to dissuade myself from doing this and putting myself on the chair.  Instead, though, in the absence of leaders, or in the presence of a plethora of leaders but no leader, I assumed.
I had no real insights or availabilities.  I was simply the leader who listened to what others had to say.  And I was on the chair.  
Today, though, I really fought it.  It was the first time for me to do such a thing amongst this group of people.  I wasn't asked to do it.  And they already have a somewhat conceived notion of who I am.  Today did nothing to dissuade them from those I thoughts and ideas I knew.
But we got the "lesson" finished and did it well.  Actually, I think we did really well.

Saturday, January 12


Heather and I had a great day today hanging out and returning all of the things that needed to be returned after Christmas. Today was arbitrarily decided on because, well, we had nothign else to do. And we had a good day. We went to the Capitol City Mall and just spent the day enjoying the time of beaing with each other... and everyone else who decided that today was the day to head to the mall. I have never seen so many people at an Auntie Anne's before in my life. Weird.
Well, we actaully ran into her brother Andrew at the mall, which is weird in itslef, because everytime i go to the Capitol City Mall recently I have seen him there. I'm beginning to quetsion if he actually does work. Or can be found anywhere else than the mall. The three of us went to eat at McGrath's Pub in the mall. We were enjoying ourselves and our food when this lady, and elderly lady came up to our table and slipped a folded $50 bill under my plate. The funny thing is, I knew right away what it was, and didn't even look at it until Andrew asked what it was. I pulled out the "note" and told him it was a tract. And thats exactly what it was. She was walking aroudn to everyone's table and slipping these on the table while people where having conversations (see above for actual picture of such tract).
If you know me, and I'm assuming you do if you're reading this, then you know my loathing of such evangelistic tools. I was immediately torn between going up to her and telling her my feelings about such devices, and going up to her and telling that my wife and I are Christians and that she had just killed a tree, which I thought was more than needed since one tree had already given itself to the greatest cause (I would be referring to the cross as I did this). However, my feet and mouth and pride were stayed by my once over of this older lady.
She was dressed like some of the elderly women I know, except for a couple things... these would be the Jesus and Christian stickers she was wearing on her hat and clothing. Yes, stickers. Not patches, not pins, stickers. And some of them were peeling. I went right to pity, and a feeling of this woman's craziness... for the Lord or not only she is sure. But I was calmed, thinking about this woman who saw this as her thing, and she wanted to do it well, and show herself to be fully committed. She even talked to one table as she interrupted their converstaion to leave several of these things at their table. Though, eventually some lady who was sitting by us did complain and she was escorted out by the manager.
I know what you're thinking... Yes, I watched all of this unfold around me while having my conversations with both Heather and Andrew. I was captivated by this woman who thought she was doing so much, and I could do nothing. I could not help her, and I could not judge her. God had left me in a quandry. Surely, she was doing some good? Does God's Word go out void?
And I guess some would claim victory in the fact she got someone's attention. Someone was offended by this and had management escort her out. But what victory is there in offense? I dunno that she was breaking down any walls in that woman's heart. She may have supported her loathing even more for this faith that seems to interfere in daily life, adn its zeaolted crazies.
I can not describe my own take. Who do I feel more pity for: the woman who may think she feels "called" to such a past time, or the woman who had nothing but coldness towards this minor interruption to her day?
Or should I be counted most pitiful for hoping to see this sticker-clad "crazy" with some of the few she was able to witness to in Heaven?

Thursday, January 10

Passover me

A letter for eavesdroppers:

"My Father, 
as blessings come, I am forgetful of You.  In my successes, though I give lip worship service, I fear my heart is far from You.  In my reliance in You, I am stronger than any 7 nation army.
I thank-You, Father, for Your blessings.  In my times of plenty, I want to worship You as I do in my times of want. "

I have recently started a new year long devotional that is built off of Eugene Peterson's The Message called Solo.  I really like it.  It is not too much, or too little, and what you get out of it, though lead, is really based on how much you want to put into it.  I really recommend it for anyone, whether you are just starting any type of devotional routine, or are a seasoned setter aside of time.  Some good thought provoking lead ins and questions, as well as good tie ins and encouragements to continue in your readings.

Tuesday, January 8

Farm Show(n)

Heather and I took the girls to the Farm Show tonight in Harrisburg.  Claire knew we were going, and her excitement was very evident this morning.  She was very excited about seeing the cows, and horses, and especially the bunnies.  Especially the bunnies. So, we went and ate (Somehow the chicken nuggets taste better when they could be fresh.  I don;t think they are, but there's always the possibility).  We had a chocolate milkshake, Thank-you Council of Dairy Farmers of PA, and Chicken, Thank-you Council of Poultry Raisers, and Heather had a pulled pork sandwich, Thanks a lot Hatfield, and French Fries, Thank-you Potato Growers of PA, and I had my long awaited Potato Donut, Thank-you Potato growers of PA!  
Its a bit like Epcot, the Farm Show.  ITs kind of like one big shopping mall on the theme of Farming.  I do like it.  Unlike Epcot, there isn't a big fireworks display at the end.  But maybe there could be... I'm sure it would draw a crowd.  Of course, the weather is not supposed to be like it has been lately, so I'm not sure that many would want to sit outside for it.
Man, has it been beautiful outside!  It feels like late March.  I'm sure my meteorologist friends are cringing and murmuring "Its just relative heat".  Still, though, come on!  I'm half tempted to skip out on work tomorrow and play some frizz in the quad.

Monday, January 7

two thoughts, one including square dancing...

Well, what a day today was.  I got sent back to my own high school days.  
I was at CD today, my alma mater, for gym.  Usually, I tend to steer away from gym.  Not because I am not an athlete, a point that Mr. Huckabee made very clear is that I, too, am an athlete.  No, its because, in the winter, there is always the chance I may have to go outside... never, ever an option when it is winter.  But, after last week's fiasco (for more info on this, please do not even think about it... not worth it, but just keep in your prayers some junior high kids), I needed a non-thinking class.  
So, today, I was at CD, and we are in Square Dancing season, pe
ople!  Well, it was weird and very funny watching the interaction between adolescents, and ninth graders, as they tried to do elaborate fox trots all over the place.  I helped by moving some guys physically, and by encouraging some girls to stick with it.  Not an easy task, but very fun.  They are still using the same recorded caller they had when I was at CD.  Very weird, and I forgot how catchy those tunes were.  I'm still 
whistling them.  It was fun.
until I myself had to join a square in ninth period.  We were one guy short of another square, and so I was volunteered.  Not my choice, and never my option, but there I was, with one senior, and six sophomores.  The senior had tried to avoid getting involved, and the sophomores, I think, thought it was great I was there.  I think.  I noticed they were getting kinda tired of my clapping during the grand square, or my "WHOOO's" when we all went to the center.  For a while, I was the only one doing the "right hand star"... it was lonely in that center.  And kinda chilly.
All in all, a good day, and very relaxing.  We also watched a weird anti-marijuana video in health class.  I'm not sure, but I think that half-way through there was an actually pro-marijuana reference.  Very weird.

And for my second thought...
I've been thinking about revival, and I've come to this conclusion:
"Revival" can only occur within the church.  If we are looking for anyone outside of the church to come to Christ as a whole society, I think the term then would be "Vival".  Or maybe "Animate".  If we're looking for "Revival" then we need to be aware of the self-condemnation that means to us as a church.  It means we've failed to keep some kind of momentum or enact any change.
So, let's be used by God to make alive and awake our culture and society!  Not hope for some bygone days when everyone was a Christian (I'm not real sure this ever really happened, but there I am being the optimist), and sit and wait and wish for God to do something miraculous by sending one charismatic speaker to do what we could do so well with our lives!  

And there are my two thoughts.  As promised, one on square dancing, and one not.

Sunday, January 6

American Gladiators

So, I know I haven't posted in awhile (thank you for your patience), but please tell me that I am not the only one who watched the glory, and the weirdness, of the new American Gladiators?
Never before, and I hope never again, will I see a spandex loincloth, or some weird German spandex dress on a chick named Helga.  Its really just a bit much.  
True, we watched into it late.  We were watching a bit of the Extreme Home Makeover "haunted edition" before I switched to some program on Discovery on pre-land living life (All the nerds in the house say, "o we o we o").  Not sure that I can fully fathom what I am watching now.  Last Thursday, Heather and I sat through The Apprentice Celebrity Edition, which was ... weird.  Why would they bring Omarossa back?  What qualifies anyone as a celebrity?  
If TV were to be the measure of my year... its gonna be long, weird, and kinda boring.

Thank God for Project Runway...
Hope everyone's Christmas was good.  Ours was pretty busy and good.  Got a lot of good stuff, and the girls are set for another year.  We had to buy another shelf unit and we will need to probably add on to the house if these trends continue.  It was weird getting so much.  Its always weird getting so much.  Never sure of where to put everything.  Even less aware of what we actually do have and what we do not.  
Well, its time to watch the final time of the eliminator for tonight...  So, I'll see you guys soon.