Monday, March 3

A sight no girl scout should ever see

Saturday afternoon was great.  I had no where to be, and so Claire, Lily, and I stayed in our pajamas 'til about two.  I wasn't dressing up for nobody.  We were playing and laughing, sometimes stopping the crazy amounts of fun to get a drink, or a snack, or to watch some Disney channel.  Good day! Heather was at some scrapbooking meeting having fun with cutting implements of all sorts.  

Well, we were playing with the Little Einsteins when there was a knock at the door.  Ummm... yeah, I am in my Pajamas, and who could it be.  I thought about running up the stairs to put some jeans on, but I knew that the person outside would definitely see me running by them to go even further upstairs.  And... I knew it was bitterly cold outside.  No one should be made to wait just so I can put non-Superman pants on.  I was wearing a t-shirt, nothing inappropriate, but just not the way to answer the door at 2pm.  

I opened the door to a well-bundled maybe 11 year old girl with two boxes of Girl Scout cookies in her hands... thin mints and lemon chalets.  
"Here are the cookies you ordered," she said with cold-bited breath.  "You owe me 7 dollars."
"Ok, give me a minute and I'll be right back."

I did not order cookies from this girl.  I have no idea who this girl is, but I've taken her cookies, and I neglected to order any Chalet's for myself... Heather must have ordered these cookies.  Why else would this girl be giving this house, us, cookies?  This is all thought in my head as I'm now trying to remember where I laid my wallet.

After paying her, I open the Chalet's and me and the girls eat them, and they are good.

Heather comes home, and I'm no dressed and showered, and the girls are dressed, also.  So, now we're all dressed and Lily is carrying around the greater part of half of a Chalet, and Heather asks,
"What's Lily eating?"
"Oh, well those cookies you ordered came.  It was kind of embarrassing, it was 2 in the afternoon and I was still in my pajamas.  And then I couldn't find my wallet and I felt bad that she was out there in the cold, and her mom wouldn't even look at the house, so I know she was annoyed or soemthing. But here they are, the box of Lemon Chalets and the box of Thin Mints."
"Warwick, I didn't order any cookies from anyone.  I knew you had ordered a lot from Lisa (from our church) and so I didn't order any more."
"Are you sure?"
"Yes, I'm sure."
"Well, i paid or them, and half of the box of Chalets is already gone..."
"Who's cookies have you been eating?"
"I dunno, but I don't think I'm gonna go around and ask.  And I did pay her the 7 dollars, and ate most of them."

The poor girl, she must have gotten our house confused with someone else's.  We are the only white house in our cul du sac.  And our poor neighbors, who did not get their wonderful Lemon Chalets, or Thin Mints.  I do feel especially bad for them.

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