Thursday, March 6

Apparently, if you use the wardrobe as an "in" once, you can't use it again.

I'm growing old and by the grace of God I am somehow maturing.  I am amazed at His grace and goodness despite my inability to grasp such things long enough to truly understand what that means, and sometimes what I should do in response.  Its like that scene in A Wrinkle in Time when they are trying to explain what a tesseract is exactly... I get it, but just then.  If I move my head or blink I've not only lost it, but am annoyed at the fact that it was on the tip of my tongue and now its gone.  And as I go through my Lenten exercises I realise that I probably need a longer term of Lent to understand that bit of Passion half as well as those who have gone before. 

So, insights away this Easter season, and enough to last me the year so that by next Easter I have less brushburns from falling on my face in repentance, but more from falling on my face in awe.