Sunday, September 16

When I look at the Stars...

I have long tried ot point out adn teach the stars and their constellations to my daughter Claire. I think astronomy is a beautiful and worth knowing. I would never go in for astology, but I know that God placed the stars in the heavens justa s surely as he placed the hills and mountains, streams and lakes, and God has given me the desire to know theses things. They are beautfiul and display the wonder and glory of the Father. Iw as very excited when tonight she pointed out Saturn quite accuratley. She is always looking to the moon. Its amazing.
I also teach them to her because I do not want any smooth guy doing what I did... getting alone on a date in the dark in order to show them the "stars". Its an easy way to get the girl alone and in the dark. I did it, and I'm sure some of you did, too. So, I see this as a pre-emptive strike.
However, on our way home from Small Group Heather pointed out that my plan could work against me... what if Claire should decide this is a worthwhile exploit for her to get her guy alone. hmmm... the best laid plans of mice and fathers...

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