Sunday, June 7

Upon passing a billboard somewhere in PA, on my way home...

We passed a billboard on our way home today from the UB National Conference, somewhere between Harrisburg and Clarion, PA. It had been a long van ride, and I hadn't been looking outside the van a whole lot but was rather napping. Anyway, we had just eaten at Applebee's and we had still a large part of travel time left on our way home and on the left side of the highway there appeared a billboard with clouds and fire asking this question: "Where are you going, Heaven or Hell?" And then there was a website to somewhere, but we had gone passed it before I could catch what it was.
Its a question that reveals much about the thoughts and philosophy of the church or group that posted it. Its a question that reveals the heart of the matter for this group. It reveals where they miss the mark.
Our hope is built on more than escaping Hell's fire or the comfort of Heaven - it is built on the righteousness of the Son of God and on being called by Him. What more do we have? Was Abraham or Moses ever promised a life of cool repose in a land far from the tongues of Hell? No, they were given the promise of redemption so eloquently inspired in Job: "Though my flesh may be destroyed, yet with my eyes I will see God; For I know that my Redeemer lives, and I will be standing with Him on that day!"
Cause what does it matter to gain the whole world, even escape Hell and achieve Heaven, if Christ is not there? If Jesus is in the desert, that is where I will gladly go if just to be with Him, to see His face, to hear His voice.

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