Thursday, January 10

Passover me

A letter for eavesdroppers:

"My Father, 
as blessings come, I am forgetful of You.  In my successes, though I give lip worship service, I fear my heart is far from You.  In my reliance in You, I am stronger than any 7 nation army.
I thank-You, Father, for Your blessings.  In my times of plenty, I want to worship You as I do in my times of want. "

I have recently started a new year long devotional that is built off of Eugene Peterson's The Message called Solo.  I really like it.  It is not too much, or too little, and what you get out of it, though lead, is really based on how much you want to put into it.  I really recommend it for anyone, whether you are just starting any type of devotional routine, or are a seasoned setter aside of time.  Some good thought provoking lead ins and questions, as well as good tie ins and encouragements to continue in your readings.

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