Wednesday, May 13

All who did receive him...

"But to all who have received him, who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God..." (John 1:12)

I've been pondering this verse. Or I should say I've been stuck on this verse. You know the story, you read a section of verses and as much as you want to keep reading, you get stuck. And it stays for awhile. And it doesn't go away until you are through mulling it over, or God brings something else to mind for your good.
And so, I got stuck on John 1:12. Amazing, isn't it? The grace of God in being who He is, inviting us in to be in company with Him? Amazing. I've been greatly struck by the phrase "who believed in his name". Jesus.
My name is Warwick, and it has a meaning. I sometimes think I've been misnamed. I am neither a hero, nor "like a lion", nor "a dam by the dairy farm". I would like to live up to my name and its function. I envisage myself lying across a creek and a pool of water to form behind me, all this occurring somewhere in Derry Twp. I kid, of course.
I wonder if one of the biggest obstacles people have coming to faith in Christ is the idea that God saves, that God would reach down and appear in our midst, willingly, to rescue humanity. Can anyone fathom this idea that God would want to save us, and that He does, in fact, do this? Willingly? Lovingly?
Christians, those that have come to faith in Christ have been made aware of this. It is this intimate knowledge that turns people's hearts... God cares for us. He saves us.
But to not see God as the one who saves, to not believe in the premise of Jesus' name, this can only cause separation, and downfall.

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