Wednesday, February 18

I just got back

I just got back to listening to Podcasts.  I had to leave them for a season, but the desire has returned.  I listen to two podcasts, or was listening to two podcasts, pretty regularly.  One being Covenant Life Church, the other is John Piper's Desiring God Sermon Broadcasts.  These are great sermons with astounding teaching that have helped me and have taught me and I would encourage anyone to subscribe to either of these.
Today, as I was driving to my class I listened to an astounding message from John Piper entitled, "What is the recession for?"  This was such an astounding message that I'm going to include the link here:

Such a good message on how we as the church should view these "tough economic times".  If you would rather listen to it, though, just go to itunes and type in Desiring God.  Again, justa  good message that I would encourage anyone to listen to.

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