Monday, December 17

If a tree falls because its covered in ice, and it falls on your neighbors yard, did it make a sound?

There was the sound of creaking wood and crashings all day.  In our backyard, we lost a pine tree that was completely uprooted.  We also lost a big part of our neighbors willow... true not ours but it was part of our view, and we will greatly miss it.
It does look pretty though.  Nature cased in ice, cased in white, glittering and bending down.  With everything the way it is, it kind of makes everything non-natural look alien.  It looks as if two divergent worlds suddenly were thrown together. 

Thursday, December 13

Popcorn bunnies

Sometimes, at night, I make popcorn. It is a favourite snack of mine. Its also a favourite of Claire's. And as we sit on the couch and wtch a movie, we'll carefully go through the large bowl of popcorn.

What are we looking for?

Well, much like Charlie, Lucy, and Linus, we see things in our "kernel clouds". Sometimes there are ducks. Sometimes there are people. Sometimes there are bunnies and puppies. And no matter how hard we try, eventually of them go away. And we're stuck with the remains of kernels who have lost their full potential, adn will remain a mystery as to what they could've been.

Claire and I, just sittin on the couch, eatin popcorn and talking. Awesome.

Wednesday, December 12


My friend, Brent, found this, and I thought it cool enough to pass along.

And, hey, let's hear it for new laptops and Macbooks everywhere!!
The best Hanukkah, ever.

Monday, December 3

Small Group

Col 1:9-14:
9For this reason, since the day we heard about you, we have not stopped praying for you and asking God to fill you with the knowledge of his will through all spiritual wisdom and understanding. 10And we pray this in order that you may live a life worthy of the Lord and may please him in every way: bearing fruit in every good work, growing in the knowledge of God, 11being strengthened with all power according to his glorious might so that you may have great endurance and patience, and joyfully 12giving thanks to the Father, who has qualified you to share in the inheritance of the saints in the kingdom of light. 13For he has rescued us from the dominion of darkness and brought us into the kingdom of the Son he loves, 14in whom we have redemption, the forgiveness of sins.

I love my Small Group. There are not enough words to express my thankfulness to God for the group of friends He surrounds me with. They are a great group and there is never the dull moment. And their want to grow in Christ makes me want to be a better leader.

And that my wife is part of this group makes it all the sweeter.

As I read through the beginning of Colossians, I was just reminded of how full of grace God is to allow me to be a part of their lives.

Sunday, November 25

The Reducibility of life

"I have given up on breathing,
All I need is you."
~Cool Hand Luke

Friday, November 23

Thanks be to (the Father of Jesus)

So, I was reading the newspaper today. Normally we do not get the paper on Thursdays, but I think we got this one due to all the ads. Anyway, so I'm reading the Op/Ed and there are a lot today all circling around Harrisburg's doomed incinerator, the upcoming election, or Thanksgiving. One really caught my eye. Written by Christine Conrad Shultz, it does an excellent job pointing out our forefather's commitment to faith in a deity. But that is as far as it goes.

Maybe that's ok, though. Because maybe the article was not really supposed to point out the Christian faith from amongst the other religions who have gods. In fact, i know it isn't. Her point is that the forefathers were not ashamed to mix their faith with the everyday.

I don't know that our current administration is ashamed of that, though. Pres Bush rides the Christian ticket pretty well. Most of the conservatives running for office have made it a point to outline their faiths, and there is that rumour that Obama is a closet Muslim. And then we have the Mormon, and the woman who married an adulterer ( a label that really only exists because of the Judeo-Christian expectation for men and women to be faithful to one spouse).

What I would like to see is less "Oh let's say Merry Christmas because we're not allowed to because it will offend someone", but more of the realization that when we say Merry Christmas, we're talking evangelism. Let's get away form the neutered god and refer to the one we mean. Let's say, "Merry Christmas, the day when Jesus of Nazareth was born". Or, Let's stop just giving thanks to God, but be more specific. Let's say, Thank you God, Father of Jesus of Nazareth and Giver of His Spirit".

'Cause, let's face it, when we say "God" they could be translating it into any number of things, which could possibly include themselves.

Monday, November 19

my sixth month check-up

After my next check-up, sometime in March or April yet to be determined, they will decide whether I need to be seen once a year or once every six months. Things are going well, all-in-all. Everything checked out "normal" on the echo, which is nice.
But I hate it. I hate travelling up three floors to have the door open to a beautiful scene of the River, only I never see the River. All I see is the fact that I'm the youngest one in the room by about 20 years. And everyone there looks miserable. Its probably because of the beta blockers we're all, which makes us slow down. I hate telling my doctor, who is a nice guy and a good doctor from what I can tell so far (I am still alive), about how lethargic and energized I feel some days. And all he tells me, all any man or woman in a clean white coat has ever told me, "Well, you're just too young to be here.... You're just too young to be on this kind of medicine. Most people we see are much much older than you, and are stressed or not taking care of themselves or just old. And you're none of these. You're just too young." And my doctor, he is a nice guy. But it bothers me.
It bothers me that they can't find a reason, so they're just helping me to the next part ( a pace-maker of some sort), and that I'm too young for it now, but it'll probably happen sooner than usual, and then I'll hear the chorus all over again... You're just too young to have one of these in. But there it'll be.
And then I go and pay and all I can think of the whole way home is that I'm too young to have this kind of stuff, and yet here I am.

When I went into Giant tonight to get some yogurt, I thought not about the preciousness and fleeting of my own life, but that of my wife and children.

a good snow

How invigorating is the first snow? My bones and joints are not yet tired of it. It makes me feel 12 again. I got excited last night as I saw the flakes get bigger and bigger. Going outside for a bit, I started judging how good the snow was; did it compact under my feet? Did it make a heavy noise, or did my tread easily blow it about.
But by 7am this morning, I know I will be tired of it. The scraping of the cars and the driving and drivers of our little burg will surely make me dream of plush green fields and tulips of an early spring.

Sunday, November 18

Putting to death

As a reminder to myself, I ask:
With what vanity do I live my day to day? and with what regard do I live for those around me?

May Chrit fill my 5 senses with Himself so that my hands and and feet may be glorified with His work.

Saturday, November 17

friday nights

Can you think of a better friday night than the one spent with your kids?

I can.

The one spent with my kids.

Wednesday, November 14

Political Evangelism

I think I have narrowed down my concerns as a voter to a single concern that seems to be the impetus for the rest:

When did we allow the government, and the election of officials, to be the primary arm for evangelism?

It does not sit well in my gut and on my arms that we ride political parties because they are God's chosen instrument in order to bring morality and justice to the nation. Isn't that the church's role?

I do not agree with abortion, wholeheartedly. I see it as unprejudiced genocide that has not been seen since Joshua invaded Palestine, or Rome invaded Carthage. But giving control and full measure to an elected body we've kept it out of our hands. We've washed our hands of it and have let someone else worry about it. While it is legal today, I think the churhc is doing its role, by not participating in it and trying to dissuade those who want to. But if it is made illegal, I fear that the church will claim an adamant victory and then not care about and pursue those women and babies whose life is being threatened anymore.

Something has gone wrong. In the US Constitution, the government is barred from "respecting" any religion. But the church has "respected" the government in ways it never should have. We have "picked" our government and we want it to play our lap dog and do our work for us. Trying to get men and women to change their behaviour and respect the law. Again, this should be the sole work of the church.

We need the Christocentric vision of the church to change our world. Not those who curry favour by paying attention to the moods and cultural swings of the day.

So, yes I'll vote because I do not believe in the sitting idly by while I can do some good. But I'm not going to live as though my government is the most effective way to bring order to my life, or to my world.

Though I dwell in a democracy, I still live in a monarchy.

Sunday, November 11

Why not an Armistice today?

Today is 11/11, the anniversary of the end of World War I. They ended with an Armistice, or a treaty of truce, ending all hostilities. However, the end of this war and all of its conditions brought about World War II in about 12 years.

I'm not looking for a truce. I would love one. God and I come together and we talk about what conditions each side will take in assuring that hostilities between us would end. But he's not looking for that. A truce would really work out great for me. There may even be some things I'd get to keep, like my ability to remain an entity on the world's stage.

But that's not what He wants, is it?

No. He wants my unconditional surrender. He wants to overthrow me and become the Lord of mt life. Anything I have becomes part of a colonial power that would use it for the glory and prosperity of the Mother Country, the High Places, the Heavenlies.

I do not offer him red poppies of remembrance littered across the fields so I can "never forget", but a white flag, so I'll never take up arms again.

His peace is lasting, and His ways are easy; His burden light. Though king, He is friend. Though Friend, He is living in me, a part of me and my hostilities towards Him treats Him as if an invading army.
Truth is, I invited Him.
Truth is, I wanted Him.
Truth is, I needed Him.
Truth is, I still do.

Monday, November 5

tonight's prayer exercise

How quickly and easy it was for me to think of my sin. Its ever present on my heart, and in my head. My tongue is weighed down heavily by it. And how merciful I want you to be to me, though I am unworthy and dirty. How greatly misled I have been.

And how great you are.

Sunday, November 4

a funny story

So, I went grocery shopping after school on friday. Not all that great, had to get some things for dinner that night. Anyway, I was walking into Giant, and I heard a small voice shouting "hombre Arrenas". He did it several times. I turned around and saw a small Latin boy pointing at me with his family in tow.. his mom saw me look and told the boy to be quiet. So, there you have it. Apparently to the Spanish speaking population of the world, I somehow resemble Spider-man. Weird.

Monday, October 29

The race has been run

Well, friends, I have run a marathon. I didn't do as well as I had hoped... I hit the wall around mile 20 pretty hard. But I finished. I ran the 26.2 in 6 hours and 3 minutes. My pace was levelled to about 1 mile in 13 minutes. I had a great start with about a 10 minute mile. But when I hit the wall, it was bad. However, it was pretty incredible, being surrounded by so many poeple and running through the suburbs of DC. The sights were magnificnet and it was a beautiful day for a run. I saw some great signs ("Release your Inner-Kenyan" for example), and was offerred lots of great encouragement and stuff for hydration and energy (including Bloody Marys in Georgetown and some pretty awfule apple-pie energy gels). After the race I was incredibly sore (and some parts of me are asking why I did it) but I feel great today! In fact, I wonder and look forward to when I can get back out and run.
Heather also ran the 10K and she kicked butt, finishing it at a little over an hour. Amazing.

Saturday, October 27

Today could be the last day I walk

Tomorrow, I run the Marine Corps Marathon and my insides are feeling it. My body feels fine, but it also feels like the container of Mercury... there is something inside that is just busting to get out. I've trained and have done ok. I just want to finish. Finishing well would be great, but I have this fear of not finishing that only seems to be compounded by those I meet.

"You're running HOW far?"
"I would never do that."
"For FUN?"

Well, by this time on monday, I will probably be sore. I'm expecting it. But I will have done something I have never done before.

So, as you go to church on sunday, say a small prayer for me and the Devonshire Crew, and everyone else running. Or a big prayer... If Catholic, which I know one of you is, please light a candle. Or two. Or one for each joint and limb of my body.

Thursday, October 25

Just the Treats

Tonight was Trick-or-Treat night in the neighborhood. It was the first year that Claire really had any idea as to what was going on. It was great. She was Sleeping Beauty, Lily was Abbey Cadabee, Heather was Cinderella, and I was a cowboy. Claire wanted me ot be Prince Philip, but we could find no Princely attire.
The SMall Group gang came over and we held the annual games and apple cider fun. While Heather and I were out with the girls for a bit, Brent said that a lot of people had come. It really did die early. Not at all like the Trick-or-Treats I remembered as a kid. The neighborhood is just getting older I guess.
It was great though. Everyone seemed to really enjoy the games and the warm cider. God provided a beautiful night for us to invite others to come to check out our Wednesday night kid's ministry. I love this holiday... its my third favourite, and seeing the girls out was great!
I sometimes struggle with all that I do and the time I spend with them. I wonder if I do to much church stuff. Its not as if I don't love what I do there, I really think God has placed me in a lot of positions where I can work and do what He wants me to do well, and its great when its oppurtunities to work with Heather and to be with the girls, but I hate to think its some kind of trade. School will be over in a couple of years and Heather and I are greatly looking forward to that. I just wish that there was a better way. I will say that it could be a lot worse and God definitely does not give us more than we can handle. But still, two more years will come and go and then I can hopefully live a life that is not split twain, but will be whole.
Anyway... here are some pictures from tonight's adventures:

Saturday, October 20

Somewhere around mile 12

SO, I was doing good... Not as good as I would have liked, but there I was facing the cold and the truckers for a good saturday run. I was doin' good, real good, and then somewhere in Linglestown, around mile 14 I stepped on a stone on the edge of the asphalt and the burn and I slipped. My entire rght leg form hip to ankle is sore and stiff, but I went on, to finish my little under than 16 mile run. My time, you ask? Don't worry about the time my friends. I'll finish the race. I'll make the bridge! Or my name isn't Derek Thrush!

Well, its not, so we'll see what actaully happens. But I'm thikin if I am this sore only after 16 miles, what is 26 gonna feel like?

But today was a beautiful day. It was a perfect fall day for a run.

Sunday, October 14

Lily Turn'd 1 today

We have lasted another year starting with two children and two children we remain! Healthy and wise, our girls are great! We celebrated Lily's birthday yesterday with much pomp and familiar circumstance. Justa small party with little cupcakes I made that looked like puppies, and a lot of presents from the "grand's". Claire was a little beside herself as the green monster made an apperance (and I ain't talkin about the Hulk, neither), but as was well and taken care of. Lily had a great time and was soon passed out in Nana's arms.

Saturday, October 13


Can we be under freewill yet surrendered to God?

Monday, October 8

Why Try?

How much harder can it get?

You try everything in your power to go about things the right way, the Godly way, and there are some people who make it as hard as possible. They make it hard to work with them. They make it hard to love them. But you try, and you try and you keep on trying, and the next thing you know all the blame rests on your shoulders and you are the bad guy. Forget the role they played, forget the past griveances, its you and there is nothing you can do to sway their mind.

So they're worried about your paranoia while questioning whether or not you will talk about them behind their backs. And they bring up converstaions you can't remember ever having, and are sure never occurred, to persuade you that it is really your fault.

And you wanna pray for them, but you wonder if they would count that against you.

God give me the ability to give grace as easily as I accept it from You.

Sunday, September 30

Give me assurance

And without faith it is impossible to please Him, for whoever would draw near to God must believe that He existsand that He rewards those who seek Him.
-Heb. 11:6

In all that I have, may I live a life full of assurance and gratitude to the one who not only gives me my life, but redeems it.

Saturday, September 29

A wedding

Heather's mum got married to day to her dreamboat, Denny. It was a nice day and the service was good. Heather did a wonderful job singing and the girls could've been a lot worse.
A couple highlights... Claire trying to push up Aunt Jill's and Heather's dresses in front of the congregation. Claire taking pictures during the ceremon. Claire trying to mount my back yelling "Come on Horsey! Get up Horsey!" while I try to stop Lily from crawling onto the stage... oh, yeah, it was a beautiful ceremony.
In all seriousness, it was nice. The church was a small Lutheran church in Middletown and it was quaint and quite nice inside. The accoustics were perfect. The look onD awn's face when she came down the aisle just said so much. She was so happy.

Everytime I go to a wedding, my mind automatically goes to the wedding of Christ at the end of days. The spotless one receiving those He has redeemed, dressed in white. All of heaven standing and watching as the culmination of the ages takes place. What a thought! All of this over and the Lord is seen as He truly is!

We then went on the Pride of the Susquehanna for the reception. We had a really good time. I hope that They're enjoying the honeymoon.

We are still infested, and we warned everyone today about it. It's very embarrassing to say, "Hey becareful of me and my kids, you may go home with a small gift." . But we're washing and scrubbing, and washing and vaccuming. I had to cancel Heather's surprise birthday party on fridya because there is no guarantee that we can be perfectly clear for everyone to hang out here with us.

Friday, September 28


So we have been infested. We are now washing everything and everything's uncle in hot water hoping to kill these blasted bugs, given to us by friends. So we wash and scrub our hair, adn the treatment is not cheap. And since I found out the possibility that we may have them, I have felt all itchy on my scalp.

I was already having a bad enough day, this was not the icing on the cake, more like the infection in the stab wound...

Wednesday, September 19

Arrrrrrr is ok today

Today is International Talk Like a Pirate Day!

Need I say anymore?

Jonah, where's that boat goin'?

The reluctant servant of God is a servant of God none-the-less. When faced with the oppurtunity to be to speak life into someone else's life, I hope that I always choose the horrors of Ninevah over and against the safety to Jerusalem. God does not mean for us to be safe, but he is sovreign. And what is so safe in Jerusalem that He did not provide and can not take it away?

Tuesday, September 18

Ship set with eager sails

I'm running with the hope and happy thought that maybe I just need to start at the beginning. By going backwards, can I claim that I am losing ground? Should I care that others look at me with sense of "he should have known better"?
But how canI be a great example and a good service to my Lord without making amends and trying to be better the next time around? I want to be better. I want to do good. I long to want God more than I do, because I am complacent and happy with my clouded mind until I try to get a good look at my Lord.
"One thing I ask, that I would seek..." Ps 27

How I want to only want one all-encompassing thing from God. But I find my sheet is full and I am scribbling in the margins and borders.
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Monday, September 17

Too much info....

Tonight, I shared a bit more than I wanted to ever share in a smaller group set up. And I keep thinking, maybe its a good thing, being that vulnerable. But vulnerability is not the word. Its not that I'm afraid of any repurcussions, but I shared a part of my story that I never share... its a part of my story that I only tell if you're that close. I usually just hint at it, or paint dark shadows as to confuse others as to just what I'm talking about. But I was kinda forced into a corner, and felt that I needed to share in order to stop them from asking.

I shared out of fear, not of a need. And I think thats the worst.

Sunday, September 16

When I look at the Stars...

I have long tried ot point out adn teach the stars and their constellations to my daughter Claire. I think astronomy is a beautiful and worth knowing. I would never go in for astology, but I know that God placed the stars in the heavens justa s surely as he placed the hills and mountains, streams and lakes, and God has given me the desire to know theses things. They are beautfiul and display the wonder and glory of the Father. Iw as very excited when tonight she pointed out Saturn quite accuratley. She is always looking to the moon. Its amazing.
I also teach them to her because I do not want any smooth guy doing what I did... getting alone on a date in the dark in order to show them the "stars". Its an easy way to get the girl alone and in the dark. I did it, and I'm sure some of you did, too. So, I see this as a pre-emptive strike.
However, on our way home from Small Group Heather pointed out that my plan could work against me... what if Claire should decide this is a worthwhile exploit for her to get her guy alone. hmmm... the best laid plans of mice and fathers...

Saturday, September 15

Still unpacking

We have been here at our house on Rhode Island Ct for about three moths now and we are still unpacking. Our neighbours who have only been here about three weeks are basically done. I went over to visit the other day and they invited me inside adn I was amazed at how put togther they are over there. Its amazing! Pictures on the walls, toys are where they should be.. I'm amazed.
But we're working on it! We finally put our new closet organizer in, thanks ot my brother, and Heather spent a good part of the day organizing the garage. I spent today doing laundry so that we can put stuff into our new Organizeable closet. So, we;re working on it. It's just taking a bit of time.
So, if you come to visit, please excuse the boxes... they come in handy to put your drink on.

Tuesday, September 11

The Kingdom of the Sea

There really are not two forces raging inside me. Its just me. Me, alone, battling against God. And that where I feel the most self-destructive. It literally tears me apart. For my wants go this way, and my desires go another. I am looking up at Him, with lips murmuring pleas, as my arms and hands and legs do things while my eyes are distracted.
And it is self-destructive, right? Its my self battling the other part of my self. One pulling the other back from giving it all away.
And the thing is, I know better, right? Of course I do. Without a heart of knowledge how can there be repentance.

I'm just tired of the struggle and of the repentance.
So, if my prayers seem hopeful to you about my urgency for Christ's return, please do not misread piety and holy earnestness. I'm just tired and need a nap.

Monday, September 10

A Question on Shakespeare...

I ran across this article at questioning the idea that Shakespeare wrote all of the sonnets and plays which are accredited to him. This is not the first time I had heard such a thing, but that does not soften the blow.
Why couldn't have he?
Well, there are two arguments which bother me from this article (I have placed the link below so youc an read it for yourself):
1) It is claimed that no single man could have written the amount of work he did so flawlessly.
-Well, why not question it. If a God could not have written the Bible how could one mortal have written such a wonderful body of work? It is not possible! Futhermore, I think from this line of argument you would count it up as heresy to believe that Shakespeare could write so well and God could not! I mean, if modern man could not do it, how could this guy in the 1600's do it! Madness to think so highly of someone who does not have the technology or education that we do. Are we really this violently proud of ourselves?
I'm really quite worried about where this leads us. Who is next to be quetsioned based on these standards. What we are really doing is lowering the bar as far as the past and idolizing ourselves as the crowning jewel of humanity and what a shame that would be.

2) It is also argued that it could not be his work because the same language he used while writing in pentameters was not used in other writings... like his will.
Well, I am telling you, brother, that if my will is not laced with ym mis-spellings, and my use of the active voice, throw it out! Its a forgery!
Why would anyone, I mean anyone, use thier playwright/poet voice to compose a will? Does this proof anything except Shakepeare knew when to wrote poetry and when to write prose! If I meet him in heaven and he is not speaking in measured iambic pentameter, I'll greatly question everything i know about him.
Gits! These arguments are made by actors. If they are not acting a part at all times, even off the stage, can we assume they are terrible on the stage?

I would never assume to know the honest truth as to whether or not Shakespeare wrote all of his work, but I think this questioning of authority is most things is obviously leading to a dillusionment of questions to be asked. At least, ask intelligent questions based on fact, not on the hunches of human prowess, or the availability of time clocks.

Thursday, September 6

Never again

Never again will I curse the ground because of human beings, even though every inclination of the human heart is evil from childhood. And never again will I destroy all living creatures, as I have done.
Gen. 8:21

My heart is is not a lonely hunter. It tis full of the company it keeps - lust, envy, hatred, and the thoughts and images in my head. I give them limited reign and measure. I want them to be gone.
The thorns that twist in my side are nott even my present wants. They are desires ill-begotten from my past and all the remainders lingering in the recesses of my mind.
I ask for help to look to the future and see my present glory.

Shortly after, God promises not to destroy the earth again, He pronounces His establishment of the seasons; the earth's cycles. And this is important. I believe that the establishment of the cycles is the beginning for us to understand the constancy of God despite us. His never-ending care for us is through the many cycles of the land and within our own lives. Have I not winters and summers? God ordained.
God's sovereignty is tied up with His care and constancy in our lives.

Wednesday, August 29

I'm growing a beard

yes, you read the heading right, I am growing a beard. Now is the true struggle and test... which do I hate more: facial hair or shaving?

Friday, August 24

Funerals and myself

In general, funerals are not my thing. I'd prefer to do without them. Mine included, of course. Not that I fear death. I look forward to it the way you look forward to finishing a really good book. Or for my friends that don't read, the way you look forward to the commercial being over and getting back to the show you really wanted to see. I guess I do kinda see my life as one big commercial or another. I wear enough brand name stuff.. but thats an aside.
The big reason I don't like funerals is having to hear someone wax philosophic on things they are not sure about. I'm sure I'll do the same when I am in full-time ministry overseeing such events, so pardon the black kettle staring at you for a moment. But, you see, I'm a doodler and a writer, so what happens, not just at funerals but a lot of the time in life or in the pew, or in my car, I'll hear somethign and I'll start writing my oen thoughts and their thoughts about the subject. This is somewhat therapeutic, but tis also annoying. I did not come to the funeral to think about myslef and why I'm ritgh in my head. I came to say good-bye. Or in Grace's case, see ya later

if you like Travis, and I'm not sure there are many who know who they are besides the raining on my head song, they're new album ain't half bad. .

Currently listening :
The Boy with No Name
By Travis
Release date: 08 May, 2007

Friday, August 10

last evening in Puerto Cortes

Tonight we said our good-byes to the church of Puerto Cortes. Many tears were shed, of course. I can say that I've never felt like I could miss a place like this... a place that I felt so uncomfortable and foreign. I do feel foreign here, and yet at home. Myabe it is a good thing I get to leave now before I see this wonderful place through my comfortable eyes.
It was really ahrd saying good-bye to Jayser tonight.

And God is good. He has reminded me that I am to pity these people with my Western glared and appalled senses. He has placed them here at this time for His glory. Its all for Him.

Morning at the cantina

There is never a moment I am not a Christian, especially when I have told others that I am.

Thursday, August 9

A long day ... my fault

Today was a very long day. I was very tired from lack of slee and from getting up at 5 am to run 7 miles with Derek. But God gave me the strength to carry-on.

It was a good day.

Its gonna be very hard to leave the people here. But I would like to see them again here, if I could.

Wednesday, August 8

Unity and Compassion

"...clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness, and patience. Bear with each other and forgive one another if any of you has a grievance against someone. Forgive as the Lord forgave you. And over all of these virtues put on love, which binds them all together in perfect unity."

~ Col 3:12-14

Christ is our unity, our peace, and our strength. And we should love one another according to His love for us and His forgiveness for us.
I'm glad that I;ve talked through soem of the problems I've had here in Honduras. There has been imporvements and I feel the better for it... not allowing a foothold of any kind. We are all here for a reason -specifically to serve Christ and to glorify His name. Generally, we've all been given gifts and talents that will help each other to do that.
I'm very glad I came. I wish Heather was here to help, but I know there is a purpose to Heather staying behind. When I return I hope that my trip here has made me a better Father and husband. Its easy to live were temptation is lessened. There are some thigns that need to change when I get back home. There are some practices and plans I need to kill. I'm doing very well down here with the Lord's help. May He continue to help me.


Today was a funny day, adn really hard. But they are all good days. All of them.
Jordan and I mixed cement after we came back form town to get me sunblock. It was really hot and mixing cement is not my favourite task. Not at all. But we muddled through it and we bought everyone Cokes, which was nice to have. I do love Coke. A lot.
I went out front to see Duane and Melanie when some fo the kids from VBS called me over. Apparently they were waiting for me. They gave me a kitten... a little black kitten maybe no more than two weeks old that definitely should not have been taken form its mother. I didn;y know what to do and when I had come to my senses as to what had actually occurred they were gone and I was left holding this scrawny, mewing, black furry thing. She has been named "Regallo", which is spanich for "a gift" and I think that I am going to give her to Beverly's daughter, but we'll see.
We spent part of the day handing out beans and rice to some of the houses in the community which is always an amazing experience. The women are always grateful. But we have no clue who really needs it. Beverly does because she knows the people and has some relationship with them. We are left to look at the outside of the houses and it's so misleading.
The kids here have three names for me:
1) Warwick, which is always amazing becasue of the way they roll their 'r's

2) Professor, which is true. I am teaching them every night about God. They were calling me this when they handed to cat to me.

3) and Pastor, which is my favourite. No one else has ever called me that before and it is so uplifting and affirming.

I've struggled so much with stuff and sin in my life and yet here where I do not struggle I am called what Christ would have have me called.

Our room...

Our fan was not working. It was flashing off and on. Jordan went to check the plug and got burned. So I went over to see the outlet burning and sparking. That;s right, as if ants in the door, a widnow that won't open, a window with no breeze, a ceiling fans which does nothing, termites in the floors and in our hands, and a maid who likes to slepp in my bed while I am gone was not enough... we had a small electical fire!!! I guess this is our room.
I don't thik I've mentioned this before, but there is a woman here who tkinks I am Spider-man. She is a deaf-mute and speaks in Spanish sign language so actually getting this thought across was a little rough. She thinks I'm Spider-man and she keeps acting out the kissing scene... This has been quite a trip.

Tuesday, August 7

Do not handle!

"Do not handle! Do not taste! Do not touch!" Again, I believe Paul is dealing with fear. We are told that human rules and traditions are not, and should not be, the most important driving force for what we fo day-by-day. It should not be our main influence. Should it have any influence? No! These things have no value, really. No lasting impact as far as us. These traditions, Paul says in Col., can build up a false sense of spirituality and pride.
What are some of the thigns I cling to that I shouldn't? What feeds my false sense of spirituality? Am I only thinking of things on Earth or does my mind dwell on Christ and the heavenly's?
This is a brilliance: that our longing and clinging to tradiytions feeds into our sinful nature and not our new life in Christ.
And here is a test for such things: Can I worship without such things? Do I judge others based on their following of such things? Are other Christians based on what they do with my rules and traditions?
Father, this is my morning prayer to You, help me because I am a sinner and I need You more than anything. Move the pale glimpses of You, or pictures of You, or songs about You. I need You and You alone.

On Coming to Puerto Cortes

I do not regret coming to Puerto Cortes. But calling home may not have been the best idea. It does seem like good things are happening. I had the oppurtunity to e-mail home and call Heather - to hear her voice was great. I miss her immensely but I wish she was here, and not the other way 'round. I know that I am supposed to be here. I wish she and my girsl were here to experienc it with me.
We moved some blocks from one end of the yard to the other, today. I went into town twice and had some good wandering time between the roads and side streets with Brian, Jordan, and David.
VBS went so much better tonight. We had a plan but God had a better one. It went so smooth, so praise God, who knows better!
Some of the relationships I'm having here with some of the Hondurans is great! Beverly, my main translator, is such a great fit to me from God. She is a great friend. I just feel like God has blessed her so much and I hope she realises that and is truly able to grasp the immensity of it. Jason, or Jayser, is a greatf riend and help to me. He is aswesome and I truly care about him. He is not like a son, but more like a good friend, though in age he could be my son... If I was 12 when I started having kids.

Father, help me to make the most of every oppurtunity. Never let me forget You and Your grace and Your mercy. Keep them forever on my lips and close to my ear. Always remain as one who is never far and always close. I ask You for this, Father, not for my sake, but for Yours. Let my life be a testament to You. Thank-You, Father, for all that You are to me and to Your people. I love You more and more each day.

Monday, August 6

First Work Day

Today was our first work day and work we did. I was so hot I actually took my shirt off, and I never take my shirt off.
Bible School was a little out of control. Things went as planned, but they also went drastically wrong. Everyone did a great job, though. I would be nothing but a really stupid man going very crazy if it weren't for the people around me. Especially Jamie, Jordan, and Lisa. They have definitely helped me a lot.
I met the kids next door today. They live in this shack that is really just hovering above the water. They are great kids, and are so willing to make friends with us. One of the boys, whom I call Johnny Chocolatay, helped me sort through some of the stones we needed for the wall. Then we searched under his house for turtles (tortuga). He showed me a snail that he found. It was gigantic.
I met sons of doctors and sons of the fathers who left, and am amazed. They live right next door to each other.

. . . - - - . . .

Looking northward

Again, this morning, I sit in the cantina looking over the beach northward. Somewhere north of here my wife is up. Maybe she's enjoying my cards. Maybe she's tired of being alone with the girls. In any situation I hope she realises, and knows, that I love her.

Monday in Puerto Cortes

God has made us alive in Christ, who has given us a new nature - a nature free from the bonds of sin. And waht amazing occurrence caused this? The Cross, where "he made a public spectacle of (the powers and authorities)."
A public spectacle. Our trust in Christ must mirror that spectacle to the world. For who has more faith than us? Who has more love than us? We have accepted more love than anybody. Our actions and kind words are echoing the great event of 2,000 years. We have been given victory.
Which is fine and good... better than good. And this true of me, but have I truly grasped the menaing of this? It means that if the sin compulsion is gone, than my actions are my own and I have no room for excuse. It means that I really can be held accountable to what I say and do. If I fail in the role God has given me, then I have failed God.
This is a most serious thing. I must live everyday recogninzing this and the impact to those around me. Because it is not just about me; my actions and what I blame for my failures will either help or hinder someone else.
May God help me. May I blame no one but myslef for my failings. May I praise only Christ.

. . . - - - . . .

Again, this morning I sit in the cantina looking over the beach northward. Somewhere north of here, my wife is up. Maybe she's enjoying my cards. Maybe she's tired opf being alone with the girls. In any situation I hope she realises, and knows, I love her.

Sunday, August 5

Missions trip to the US

We as a missions came down to help the church here to build a wall. I think that the church of Puerto Cortes, Iglesia Luz, could sedn a missions trip to help us with our worship. They seem very free in this aspect of their service. They do not care, and I did not hear, any complaints about ratio of new worship to old hymns. There is something more important here.

Puerto Cortes... Sunday Morning

How great is Christ? He is beyond all things and yet all things are of Him and by Him. He is our hope of glory and the truest expression of God we have seen. He is not only our model but our guide. Not just our guide but our God. Adn this is what I should be teaching, and really the only thing of worth that I have. Unless I am preaching this at all times, my life is wasted.
Our Honduran brothers do not seem to have the same reservations about yelling Christo Vive while they walk down the streets as I do. They count it as good to be exhuberant with their faith and to sing hymns as they go down their unpaved streets.
Praise God for such experiences, and may I find its equivalent back home.

. . . - - - . . .

We went to Noah's (pronounced No-A) home and orchard today. He grows oranges, lemons, and Cocoa. Noah is a carpenter by trade and lives in the inland in a barrio called La Pinta. Jordan and I had an interesting run-in with some fire ants, but an over-all great trip.

Saturday, August 4

Puerto Cortes... rough nights

I'm sitting in the cantina of the hotel we are staying in. It was a rough night last night. It gets so hot here and I'm still living 2 hours ahead. The vast amount of roosters and dogs does not help. Nor does waking up with my pillow and my hand covered in termites.
And with the morning comes relief. Our God is a God that does not need a temple. He is alive and acting in His people, and one day we will all have our hearts' desire to see Him face-to-face.
I'm reading Colossians and relishing in the great work Paul has written. WHile I read, I am reminded of our duties not just here in Honuras, but to our obligation to the churches around us in Harrisburg:
"For this reason, since the day we heard about you, we have not stopped praying for you. We continually ask God to fill you witht he knowledge that the Spirit gives, so that you may live a life worthy of the Lord and please Him in every way: bearing fruit in very good work, growing in the knowledge of Gof, being strengthened with all power according to His glorious might so that you may have great endurance and patience, and giving joyful thanks to the Father, who has qualified you to share in the inheritance of His people in the kingdom of light."
We have a mission and an obligation, everyday, to pray for each other and the church at large. We should be showing fruit and being strengthened in power from the source.

Oh, Father, here is my prayer for our time here: Allow us to help the existing church to be strengthened and to show fruit. Do not allow us to be in the way of what You are doing. Give us guidance, and give us peace. Father, be our light and our peace. Father, be our strength and our laughter; be our relief.

Currently reading :
The Once and Future King
By Terence Hanbury White
Release date: 15 July, 1987

Friday, August 3

First Day in Puerto Cortes, Honduras

We left our houses from the church this morning at 2 am, and we arrived here in San Pedro Sula, Honduras, at2 this afternoon. The country is beautiful. It reminds me some of Northern Asutralia with its very flat plains and very high mountains. We went swimming in the Carribean as soon as we got to the hotel.
As I stood on the shore I was reminded that God chose and planned for Honduras and its people. He only wants the best for them, and maybe my coming here is part of that. But I will not think highly of myself. I can not. God thought that I needed to be born and rasied where I was, just as much as the people here. I can not see myself as blessed without thinking the same about them.
Guide me, Father, into Your plan while I am here. Do not allow me, Father, to get caught up in myself and tricked into thinking this trip here is solely about me and my growth as a Christian. Guide me into You and into Your praise, the only truly glorious thing I can ever do with my life.

Thursday, August 2

Endurance in Honduras

Hey gang,
well, I'm leaving at 2am tomorrow morning for Hondurance and, again, I would just like to ask that you guys pray for me, and everyone else going, as well as everyone who we're leaving behind. Pray that we are focused on where we are and that we can be of some good to those we want to serve. Pray that when we leave, they don't remember us necessarily, but the messgae and the kindness we are leaving behind. Pray with gratefulness that God never gives us more than we can handle, and He is all we need. Pray with assurance that He knows better than we do, and something happens becuase God knows best.

Have a good week...
and I've never seen a wooden nickle, but don;t take any none the less.


Currently reading :
The Works of John Donne (Wordsworth Poetry Library) (Wordsworth Poetry Library)
By John Donne
Release date: April, 1999

Wednesday, August 1

an encouragement from the ever present past

I'm leaving tomorrow (basically) for Honduras. I've been greatly pondering two things a lot lately:
1) Why am I going?
2) For what reason am I going?

These questions will be answered while I'm down there for sure. But I know heading into this trip that I am not going for myself. I am going for my Father and for His children. I am going to serve, not to be served. I am going for duty and for pleasure, or the pleasure of duty... beneficence.

Please keep me and my family in your prayers... and I promise when I get back you will be reading more than enough about me. really.

Currently reading :
Les Misérables (Signet Classics)
By Victor Hugo
Release date: 03 March, 1987

Tuesday, July 31

I'm pretty

This morning, I walked into Lily's bedroom and found Claire smiling up at me...

Look out Little Miss Sunshine, we're comin to take your title...

Currently listening :
The Boy with No Name
By Travis
Release date: 08 May, 2007

Monday, July 30

God Save Thee

"God save thee, ancient Mariner!
From the fiends, that plague thee thus! -
Why look'st thou so?" - "With my cross-bow
I shot the albatross."

~The Rime of the Ancient Mariner
S. T. Coleridge

What good intentions I have. They seem so worthy and admirable. I've got great plans to make my wife feel loved, to help the world feel Christ's love, to put myself to good use. But with the best intentions I find myself doing none.
I'm leaving for Honduras in a couple of days, and I'm praying that God uses me to His glory. When I leave that town, I don't care if they remember me, but I want them, desperatley, to remember the good news we bring. I leave my intentions at the gates of the airport in Philly and allow myself to be used for the plans of My Father who knows infinitely better than me.

Currently reading :
Les Misérables (Signet Classics)
By Victor Hugo
Release date: 03 March, 1987

Friday, July 27

I'm not broken, I'm new

I have the hardest time grasping my new life in Christ, because there are still parts of me who linger in the past. Little voices that remind me of what i did when I was 12. "Pictures less proudly displayed". I want to graso this new life whole-heartedly beyond all things. Maybe I should focus on myself less, and on Christ, my new life, wholly and singularly.

Currently reading :
Don't Waste Your Life
By John Piper
Release date: 16 May, 2003

Thursday, July 26

a total misappropriation of lyrics

So, I'm up to 8 miles as of this morning. My pace is a little slow, but I blame the humidity.. whew was it bad today. Iwas listening to my iPod when one of my friend Luke's songs came through, Melancholy. Though I'm sure I'll hear how I am not getting the point of the song, I was struck by two thoughts as I listened:

a) my love for Christ may one day kill me. My anticipation and my longing for things unseen, my hopefulness to please and live my life satisifed in Him will one day kill me.

b) I am really not leaning toward taking pictures of myself with the kids in Honduras. I want it to be some sick souvenir so I can moan about how poor and desperate they are down there. Theya re blessed, and they were placed in Honduras because God knew that they are probably a lot stronger than me. We'll see if I last the week.

Currently reading :
Les Misérables (Signet Classics)
By Victor Hugo
Release date: 03 March, 1987

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Wednesday, July 25

the internet and my fears

So, I have avoided the internet the last few days until I finished Harry Potter... and ahhh..I'm back. I have checked g-mail but have hastily kpet my eyes from the more popular subject searched. I have longed to go where I should not, but I didn;t, and I feel the better, stronger for it. And all of you out there who tried to spoil it for me.. I win.
I'm gonna wait a bit before I launch into a discussion of whether or not I was right, so that all you readers can be done. So, I'll wait... like a very patient snorkblat.
Currently reading :
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows (Book 7)
By J. K. Rowling
Release date: 21

Thursday, July 19

I'm a 28 y.o. in love with a ficional character

So, there are two days left before the last Harry Potter book comes out... and yes, I will be making an appearance at Borders on friday night. My sister Kyleigh and I will be standing in line with all the other 12-50 yr olds... but the 30-50 will be with their kids. Mine aren't old enough to read on their own yet, and Kyleigh is still playing the single cards. And there I'll be, defending my place in line against kids probably dressed like Hermione, or Ron, and babies dressed like Norbert. Ands there I'll be, Muggled up and all. Not sure, though if I'll finish the book in one night. I do have a marathon to run coming up and I am still in endurance and persevernace mode.

Could I be too old for this?

Currently listening :
Our Love to Admire
By Interpol
Release date: 10 July, 2007

Tuesday, July 17

the ends

For the ends of Being and the Ideal Grace... it would seem that this is love, right? To reach higher than we are, and behold more than who we are and to long, to want, beyond ourselves. Adn this is found in the converstaions I have with friends, and co-workers. It seems so others focused, but I question whether it is. Be casue when we have reached to such great heights, where can we go but down? Or to struggle for to remain and stagnate.
And these are the words of Christ, that no greater love has any man than this, but to lay down his life for a friend. The ultimate height and expression of love is seen in how much you are willing to kill of yourself to see it in true reality.
So I remind myself, with a little help from Lewis, that my crown, the crown of husbanhood, is a crown of thorns, and it is no less dignified because it is the same as Christ's. And I am reminded by Piper that Marriage, both secular and chirtsian, both religious and non, is sacred and it is sostring a commitment, only natural death can break those bonds.

Currently listening :
Our Love to Admire
By Interpol
Release date: 10 July, 2007

Sunday, July 15

the secret of the movies...

Tonight, HEather and I took a break form me being sick, and her being mom to go see Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix... or the visual cliffnotes of the book. Really good, but I sat there and stewed in the my urine, I realized that going to the movies is really a test of strength and determination. If I get up to go pee, I will miss something and the movie execs want me to... then I either HAVE to see the movie again to make up for the bits I missed, or buy the movie when it comes out in the holidays. Well, here's in your face Warner Brothers! I think I'd rather get the urinary tract infection than play into your hands! Ha ha...and in your face you gits!

Currently listening :
Our Love to Admire
By Interpol
Release date: 10 July, 2007

Friday, July 6

We have oficially moved

Ok, gang, Heather and I have moved. The phone number and e-mail are the same, so feel free to call us! If you would like the new address, please let me know. I'm really gonna miss the house on Virginia... it was a good house, and the garden is coming along quite well...

And furthermore, please keep me in your prayers as I ready myself for my trip to Honduras with the Missions team.

Wednesday, June 27

Packing Up

"For everything to be consummated, for me to feel less alone, I had only to wich that there be a large crowd of spectators the day of my execution amd that they greet me with cires of hate."

~The Stranger, Camus

We're moving tomorrow. And Friday. And Saturday. Hopefully we'll be done by Saturday. As we're pakcing, I'm packing up all my books. There are a lot of them. And I'm reading bits of some of them as I pack. I have a lot of books. More than the days in the year. Even a leap year. I've read them all, and have re-read a lot of them. It's one of those things that I'm sure some psychologist somewhere could see a fixation. Well, to that person I'm not gonna show my Cd's. Or my collection of q-tips. I'm kidding about the q-tips.

Saturday, June 23


When you calmed the sea at the crying and pleadings of your disciples, was it out of duty or pleasure?

Currently listening :
By Vanessa Carlton
Release date: 09 November, 2004

Wednesday, June 20

copy/paste 5.3.07 - 6.20.07

June 20, 2007 - Wednesday


Yesterday, we sold our house. Not sure how much putting my Vans out had much to do with it, though. My wife said they didn;t seem the type swayed by such swank. But thats ok. It's done. Sold. I'm now living in someone else's house... well as of 3pm today. weird. I'm nto quite a squatter, but close.

Currently listening :
Your Favorite Weapon
By Brand New
Release date: 18 February, 2003

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June 18, 2007 - Monday

What Suzie's been praying for...

Oh the joys of Children Church.. the ability to be a part of the formative lives of the spiritual upbringing of our kids. Ahh.. oohhh.. the joy. No seriously, I know some read but I'm being totally sincere. I love it. They can get so into some things, and some things they'll tell you are just dumb. And the prayer requests are so sincere and concerned. There is one girl in our group who you never know what she's gonna say Last Sunday, she said the best thing, ever. During the prayer requests, she said,

"I've been praying for power, lately".
Is that not the most awesomest thing ever? I'm assuming she meant like Physical strength, or the ability to fly. 'Cause that would make the most sense.

7:05 AM - 0 Comments - 0 Kudos - Add Comment - Edit - Remove

June 19, 2007 - Tuesday

Not much

Last night, I had a dream about me learning Hebrew. I was looking at home made flashcards and I was reading and translating sentences...

This is where my real life invades my sleeplife. I am doing this all the time, it would seem, and it has now crept into my sleep. There is still 6 more weeks of Hebrew left... that would mean 18 more classes. If this trend continues, who knows what will happen to my body. All these subconscience things may start ooozing out.

8:59 AM - 0 Comments - 0 Kudos - Add Comment - Edit - Remove

June 14, 2007 - Thursday

June Bugs

So, I saw the first of what will soon become an invasion of those little beetles called "june bugs". I'm not looking forward to it. Yeha, i know, God loves them and He made them for a reason... Please Lord, reveal to me the reason so I can feel bad as I peel them away from eating my roses...

9:00 AM - 3 Comments - 0 Kudos - Add Comment - Edit - Remove

June 11, 2007 - Monday

runnin over dead rabbits

I was running this morning when I came upon that familiar summer smell of decomposing road kill. The rabbit had been squashed over and over again, and was now a baggy mess of furm flesh, meat and bones. Fly fodder. This is just one more reason I need new shoes... I feel that my old shoes are holding me back and not letting me run away from such things as fast. They're also greatly hindering my ability to fly. But tomorrow looks promising, and new shoes.. ah such a feeling. Like new socks, underwear, t-shirts.. can anything match?

Currently reading :
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets (Book 2)
By J.K. Rowling
Release date: 02 June, 1999

8:36 AM - 0 Comments - 0 Kudos - Add Comment - Edit - Remove

June 8, 2007 - Friday

People wanna see our house

What a weird thing. People, strarngers, are going to be looking at our house today and may possibly be so moved to buy it. I think though, how much of them will actually be judging who we are in that house and how we kept it. Would we swing some votes by putting out the scary monkey lamp? Heather does not think so, its now in my sister's basement until we move. Would it help if we had moved the couch 2in to the left? Will they look at all my t-shirts/shoes and think what a loser? Or will they look at my Vans and go, "that's it. This house is ours and we will pay whatever price we have to!"

Currently listening :
Big Blue Sky
By Bebo Norman
Release date: 15 May, 2001

8:43 AM - 2 Comments - 2 Kudos - Add Comment - Edit - Remove

June 6, 2007 - Wednesday

selling and buying, wishing and praying

so, our house is now on the market. SO much has happened so fat that it seems weird and surreal. Not even a month ago we had no thoughts of moving. And now, we have a house in the process of buying, and a house on the market. If I had a million more dollars, I'd feel like a tycoon.
I'm very excited about the move. The hosue we're moving into is great. It's in my old neighborhood, and its close to lots of things. But I am going to miss this house, a lot. And my neighbors are great... who else can I talk Cricket, or Fifa with? God has blessed us so far with so much, i can help but feel lacking in praise and thanks.

7:22 AM - 2 Comments - 0 Kudos - Add Comment - Edit - Remove

June 4, 2007 - Monday

My book 7 spoiler

So, I;ve been promising this for awhile adn have yet to do it. So here it is:

What I think will happen in Book 7 of Harry Potter!!!

Harry is a horcrux, and is the only one remaining, and in order for Voldemort to die, Harry has to die. They're reading the prophecy all wrong, and Dumbledore knew it.
Ok, whew.. of my chest and what not.

Currently reading :
Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone (Book 1)
By J.K. Rowling
Release date: 01 December, 1999

7:27 AM - 2 Comments - 0 Kudos - Add Comment - Edit - Remove

May 22, 2007 - Tuesday


"Obedience is the irrepressible public relations project of those who have tasted and seen that the Lord is good (Matt 5L16)".

~John Piper
What better way to display my faith than to actually walk what I believe? A man who gives up his convictions at the greatest onset of ease or discomfort is not a worthy of the calling he has been given. Something is lost; perhaps the man's worth. The weight of glory can be clearly seen in one's obedience. Others can see such value and deem it worthy and may see the splendor and gie in to his heart's calling. For, if all are called, then my obedience may be the catayst to encourage change.
"Father, help me in my words and deeds to be found faithful to You."

Currently listening :
Feels Like Home
By Norah Jones
Release date: 10 February, 2004

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May 21, 2007 - Monday


Is this what perseverance feels like? I am enduring and struggling but failing I am not. And this, then, would be my un-nameable thorn. Free will is caught up in this. If I give up and sear, then I am no longer free. As I search for my God, I am free and total, made whole by the blood.

Currently listening :
Everything Starts Where It Ends
By Lovedrug
Release date: 06 March, 2007

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May 19, 2007 - Saturday

What is my important word?

The original Marathon ended with a message to a king. An obedient servant made a perilous journey to tell the big news most desperate and important. He endured with great perseverance to the end , where he died. The message and the struggle to bring it took his life.
What's my purpose for running the marathon? What message do I give my king by running this race? Will I give my all to shout, "Nike!"?

Currently listening :
Achtung Baby
By U2
Release date: 19 November, 1991

7:49 AM - 0 Comments - 0 Kudos - Add Comment - Edit - Remove

May 18, 2007 - Friday

Henry Scougal

"The worth and excellency of a soul is to be measured by the object of its love."

~Henry Scougal
I am now, most recently, reminded of a great book I read some time ago. The Life of God in the Soul of Man by Henry Scougal had such a great impact on me, though its often forgotten. This book tilled the ground and made it ready for Piper, for McManus, and for even deeper Lewis understanding. Such an amazing little book, full of truth and light. Amazing. maybe I'll just pick it up this weekend and give it a read through again.

7:43 AM - 0 Comments - 0 Kudos - Add Comment - Edit - Remove

May 5, 2007 - Saturday

what a splendid business

Am I correct when I say that there are some words that are off limits for those of us who want to be seen as "masculine"? I know about the fabulous rule, but are there others? Can a truly hetero guy say the word "splendid"? Are there others??

Currently listening :
MTV Unplugged
By 10,000 Maniacs
Release date: 26 October, 1993

9:09 PM - 0 Comments - 0 Kudos - Add Comment - Edit - Remove

May 4, 2007 - Friday

Hey, ho, hey, ho, hip hop horay, ho....

So, I'm drivin down the road, and I'm late, and the car in front of me is goin 45 across the bridge... across the bridge! And i can't get a good speed and distance to pass this van of obstruction... agh! Eventually I do, and the lady is reading... reading... reading a BOOK! On 83!!! Has the world gone nuts-o?!

Meanwhile, The Cinematics have been good to me so far, maybe you check them out.

10:20 PM - 2 Comments - 2 Kudos - Add Comment - Edit - Remove

May 3, 2007 - Thursday

I'm reading again...

"As a prisoner for the Lord, then, I urge you to live a life worthy of the calling you have received."

~Eph 4:1

Father, my two callings are a blessing from You to Your own good purposes. One so general as to love You as You've loved me and my neighbors as myself. One so specific as to serve You out of love and serve my neighbors as I serve myself.
As I chase and search I grow weary. Give me strength. As I read and study, my eyes grow weak. Give me perseverance. As I speak Your words into seeming void, I grow hopeless. Give me hope. And as I tarry, give me Your love and honor that I may be a refreshment to others, as a cool towel to a fevered forehead.
Let my honor be in my words, and may my love be ever genuine and truthful. May my "Yes" truly be a yes, and may I only say "No" to that and those which offend You.