Tonight was Trick-or-Treat night in the neighborhood. It was the first year that Claire really had any idea as to what was going on. It was great. She was Sleeping Beauty, Lily was Abbey Cadabee, Heather was Cinderella, and I was a cowboy. Claire wanted me ot be Prince Philip, but we could find no Princely attire.
The SMall Group gang came over and we held the annual games and apple cider fun. While Heather and I were out with the girls for a bit, Brent said that a lot of people had come. It really did die early. Not at all like the Trick-or-Treats I remembered as a kid. The neighborhood is just getting older I guess.
It was great though. Everyone seemed to really enjoy the games and the warm cider. God provided a beautiful night for us to invite others to come to check out our Wednesday night kid's ministry. I love this holiday... its my third favourite, and seeing the girls out was great!
I sometimes struggle with all that I do and the time I spend with them. I wonder if I do to much church stuff. Its not as if I don't love what I do there, I really think God has placed me in a lot of positions where I can work and do what He wants me to do well, and its great when its oppurtunities to work with Heather and to be with the girls, but I hate to think its some kind of trade. School will be over in a couple of years and Heather and I are greatly looking forward to that. I just wish that there was a better way. I will say that it could be a lot worse and God definitely does not give us more than we can handle. But still, two more years will come and go and then I can hopefully live a life that is not split twain, but will be whole.
Anyway... here are some pictures from tonight's adventures:

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