Saturday, September 15

Still unpacking

We have been here at our house on Rhode Island Ct for about three moths now and we are still unpacking. Our neighbours who have only been here about three weeks are basically done. I went over to visit the other day and they invited me inside adn I was amazed at how put togther they are over there. Its amazing! Pictures on the walls, toys are where they should be.. I'm amazed.
But we're working on it! We finally put our new closet organizer in, thanks ot my brother, and Heather spent a good part of the day organizing the garage. I spent today doing laundry so that we can put stuff into our new Organizeable closet. So, we;re working on it. It's just taking a bit of time.
So, if you come to visit, please excuse the boxes... they come in handy to put your drink on.

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