Thursday, June 12

Just a question..

Just a thought... how do you discover that you have the ability to swallow a sword?  Is it one of those things you do on a dare?  Or, you know, you're walking along with your sword and you trip...?  Seriously.

 And along this thought, I go online and I find that there is an actual Sword Swallowers International Association.  Awesome.  

Oh, and they take donations.  I'm assuming its for educational purposes and for helping the swallowing-gone-badly.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Glad you stumbled upon the Sword Swallowers Association International. Thanks for mentioning us!

To answer your question, learning sword swallowing is far from an accidental "discovery". Our 2 year research study of sword swallowers around the world revealed that it takes most sword swallowers from 2 years to 7 years of daily practice before one can learn to repress the gag reflex, the peristalysis reflex, and the retch reflex and learn to swallow a sword. It took me 3 years of daily practice 10-12 times per day before I got my first sword down.

Now I mostly perform for churches and corporate events, as well as TV documentaries, etc. This is what I do full-time for a living and a ministry, and I am blessed to be able to perform around the world.

Hope this helps!

All the best,

Dan Meyer
Exec Director
Sword Swallowers Associtaion Int'l

Cutting Edge Innertainment

"He who lives by the sword,
dies by the sword." -Matt 26:52

"What goes into the mouth goes into the stomach, but what comes out of the mouth comes from the heart." -Matt 15:17-18

"For the Word of God is living and active and sharper than any double-edged sword, piercing as deep as the division of soul and spirit, joints and marrow, able to judge the thoughts and intentions of the heart." -Heb 4:12