This is true. And I in no way mean to discredit your musings. I'd like to hear more of them, actually. You know you can comment these, right?
But, John died, and many of you contacted me and let me know your thoughts and feelings and care. Thank-you.
The week went on, and I just had a lot of papers that I had to work on. A lot of discussions on justification and sanctification, topics not a whole lot of you even care about, let alone want me talk to you about.
This was not the only thing holding my mind captive...

American Idol, American Idol, American Idol... dark siren, oh how you continue to make me step back at ponder at you.
First, they sing a Hillsong anthem. Probably their biggest song ever, was sung by the remaining contestants. Man, was it weird. Adn then they sang it twice! Not the Rent song, which was a big sigh from me... its so old and tired. But there they were... and I've read Josh Harris's blog about the whole thing and I'll leave it at that.
And to further complicate matters, one national has been ousted. The Australian, St. Johns, is gone.
Shocking. Absolutely shocking. I really thought I had a chance. But I was wrong, I guess. Well, there is only one national left, the Irish, and we'll see how well she fares. I know think, however, that David, the kid, will probably win.
But man, what a week. Sent me into deep cranial cave. Not to mention, I had a really hard subbing week. Monday was absolutely terrible. Absolutely. It did get better throughout the week, but I likened monday to being beaten. I was exhausted and felt as though I had no power and no control. Terrible.
But a highlight, and I have no idea why this was going on, but on my way to class tonight, I saw a woman drive past me with a towel, a beach towel, wrapped around her head and shoulders, and, and, a hat. Oh, and a cigarette.
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