February 18, 2006 - Saturday  | Birthday parties today we celebrated Claire's 1st birthday. Good times had by all. it's unreal to think that Claire has been around for a year. It seems just like yesterday that we brought her home. It seems just like yesterday that I was cathcing zzz's while Heather woke up for feedings. It seems like a week ago that we brought her home. It's weird. I always think that time goes fast for me, and rarely think of anyone lese but timeless. My friends change and go in and out of relationships, but we all seem never to get older... just timeless. But with Claire, I can see her changing and am surprised at how much she changes, physically and developmentally. I can actually see her changing and growing. Adn ti is going so fast. I would never ask for her to stay small, because that would be robbing her of what God wants for her, and who He wants her to be. No, I want her to grow. I just want to realise every moment and glean all I can from what God is showing me and teaching me so I can be prepared for Claire's future. I think that's my prayer for right now.  | Currently listening : Anthem of Our Dying Day By Story of the Year Release date: 21 September, 2004 | 5:48 PM - 0 Comments - 0 Kudos - Add Comment - Edit - Remove | |
February 17, 2006 - Friday  | I think Banquo said it best... So, I was on my way home tonight form work, when I got to thinkin about my ways home from the school bus as a kid. I pass a lot of these kids as I'm doing my errands, and I want to tell you, yes, I was that kid who thought that if he pulled his hands into his coat, they became guns. Not just any guns.. the kind that went through the anti-gun spray. And to note, I was also that kid who would sometimes put his backpack on the front so I could become, yes, a mighty transformer. I don't know how that happened, but it did and I was. No, I was not Optimus Prime, but I did turn into a cool car. I also, remember, one time, I threw a snowball at a kid who was picking on a freind of mine, and I missed, and instead it landed in the back pack of an innocent bystander. I had to go to the Principal's office, the bully did not. But I think back to a point. Ah, those carefree days, when I was more worried about other things than I am nowadays. I think thats its amazing that God had all these days in mind when I was going through those days, somewhat oblivious to Him beyond the flannelboard in the Sunday School room. Amazing. He saw Heather then, too. And us together. ANd then Claire. Kinda cool. Kinda creepy. And back to being kinda cool.
 | Currently listening : The Moon Is Down By Further Seems Forever Release date: 27 March, 2001 | 12:42 AM - 0 Comments - 0 Kudos - Add Comment - Edit - Remove | |
February 14, 2006 - Tuesday  | Valentine's Day Well, Valentine's Day is here. I never really liked the holiday until i became a Christian. Even before I started dating, after I found Christ, this was a great day. It's one of the few that we can truly call a Christian Day. Isn't that wierd? What with all the cupids you see, this day really honors a martyr who was marrying Christians under the riegn of pre-Christian Rome. This day isn't really so much of a romantic holiday anymore than St. Patrick's Day is about drinking. It's about the propogation of God's Word and the example set by His followers. I'm convinced that Christ really wants you to be his "Valentine"... a person willing to die for Him because anything less is unacceptable.
 | Currently reading : The Moon Is Down By John Steinbeck Release date: 01 November, 1995 | 12:13 AM - 0 Comments - 0 Kudos - Add Comment - Edit - Remove | |
February 8, 2006 - Wednesday  | Something secret happend yesterday Something very wonderful happened to me yeaterday, but I will not tell a soul. Not yet, anyway.
But I can say this.. My daughter is adorable. I'm breaking from the deep for a moment to tell you a funny story. Claire was walkin around and stuff today (she's getting very good at it), and diring juice frm her little cup. but. when she was close to the TV and a big head would appear (like it was close to her becuase it was bigger) she would offer the head soem of her juice... Isn't that adorable?!
12:45 AM - 0 Comments - 0 Kudos - Add Comment - Edit - Remove | |
February 5, 2006 - Sunday  | so, what are you saying?? Hey gang, I see by my "views" there are some of you out there that like to read my posts! Well, thats awesome! But I'm curious.. what do you think? Please, leave me a comment or a kudo! I'm just curious. You can even just write me a message. And if you really want to show love, then you can always subscribe...
The Superbowl isn't over yet, and for those of you are wondering... I do not follow a team. And for those of you that do know... I'm suer you're surprised I'm even watchinhg the Bowl... but then, I'm writing this during it...
 | Currently listening : A Rush of Blood to the Head By Coldplay Release date: 27 August, 2002 | 9:03 PM - 0 Comments - 0 Kudos - Add Comment - Edit - Remove | |
 | we had communion today So, I looked down in my hands today and really noticed the small plastic cup that held my grape juice. Such a small cup to hold, in my hands, the blood of Christ. I could crush it in my hands. Maybe too aware of how delicate the cup is, I hold it lightly with my fingerprints. Such a treasure stored in fake man-made acrylic - not worthy of containing this draught so precious. Yet, I can not swallow all it holds, a drop or two still remain, hugging its cup's edges.
 | Currently reading : God in the Dock: Essays on Theology and Ethics By C. S. Lewis Release date: October, 1994 | 2:02 PM - 0 Comments - 0 Kudos - Add Comment - Edit - Remove | |
January 27, 2006 - Friday  | "Do you really call yesterday the past?" How long ago was yesterday that i already forget so much of it? How quickly my mind changes from the events of yesterday to today. Am I easily forgetting the lessons of yesterday only to face the hardship again today? AM i losing sight of the blessings already given only to look for the greener fields of today or even tomorrow? Are my yesterdays so bad? Lord, help me to remember. Though you graciously, even lovingly, forget my past sins and give me hope with each new sunrise, let me not forget my mistakes and mis-steps so i may walk better with You. Recall to me Your blessings and discipline so i can be a better follower of You. but do not allow me to wallow and linger in self-pity as a pig in his sty. Allow me to remember Your promises and strength, You are the Author of my life, and provider of my faith. "The lifter of my head."
 | Currently reading : The Picture of Dorian Gray (Modern Library Paperbacks) By Oscar Wilde Release date: 01 June, 1998 | 9:55 AM - 0 Comments - 0 Kudos - Add Comment - Edit - Remove | |
January 25, 2006 - Wednesday  | Are you really listening to the question? "The the baby's sister approached the princess. 'Should I go and find one of the Hebrew women to nurse the baby for you?' she asked. Exodus 2:4 Moses' sister is not asking a random question to Pharoah's daughter. She is asking if Pahroah's daughter will be different and go against her father's genocide - will she care for a baby boy who otherwise will die - could die - should die? She could easily dump the basket into the Nile and snuff out the life of the leader who would save thousands. Moses' life hung on that question posed by his sister. Becuase the daughter of Pharoah stood up to her own father, througha single act of rebellion of saving a single life, by seeing value in that life, saved thousands of men, women and children. What decisions am I making or not making? Whose life am I killing by the things I say, and by what I buy?
 | Currently reading : The Picture of Dorian Gray (Modern Library Paperbacks) By Oscar Wilde Release date: 01 June, 1998 | 9:47 AM - 0 Comments - 0 Kudos - Add Comment - Edit - Remove | |
January 21, 2006 - Saturday  | Watching Claire Watching Claire is amazing. And boy is she strong! Her grip is amazing. Yesterday, we went to the McClinctock's for lunch after church. After we had our fill of chilli, we retired ti the living room. Claire was having a great time, playing and chasing their cat. We were really having a great time. Clarie was on the couch with Jess whn she started to tumble and fall off of the couch! But she caught herself on the side of the couch by ehrself! It was amazing! Like a gymnast, with skill, strength adn agility, she rigthed herself. And she holds on so tight. She loves to carry things around in her hand. But here's the curious thing: when given something else, or when she finds something of interestm she has to make a choice - wither to let go of the object she's already holding or keep on holding. The decision is worse when both her ahdns are full. She often tries to hold on to a lot of things at once. Or she'll try to pick up another item without letting go of the previous item. To her the solution is not to let go of whats holding her back. It's to try to do more or be frustrated. But she is only 11 months... how can she know better? Do I not have the same problem at 26 years of age? I carry so much around, feeling each item is valuable. In result, I'm making the most expensive items seem as cheap as the least. And the are some things I should just let go of. My prioritues get muddled with my happiness. I have fallen into a problem that Christ talks about - serving two masters. Father, point out my way to me, guide me in Your paths. Show me what i need to cut out of my life and what needs to increase, For my soul's sake, but also forthe sake of my wife and daughter.
 | Currently listening : Strange and Beautiful By Aqualung Release date: 22 March, 2005 | 9:36 AM - 0 Comments - 0 Kudos - Add Comment - Edit - Remove | |
January 20, 2006 - Friday  | The glory of the Transfiguration Christ is the culmination of our hope and faith. In Him we find assurance of the faith we have, and the hope we long for. Christ's Transfiguration is surrounded by His death... the hardest thing He had to do on earth. In His sorrow, He was made brilliant by the comfort and strength of His Father.
What was I worying about again?
 | Currently listening : The Mission Bell By Delirious? Release date: 27 December, 2005 | 8:58 AM - 0 Comments - 0 Kudos - Add Comment - Edit - Remove | |
January 18, 2006 - Wednesday  | faded watercolour Well, deep reminiscing has plunged me through cool waters. I have to wake up sometimes not to reality, but to the present. I get so caught up in the past that those memories seem more real to me sometimes than my present. I'm aware of my surroundings, but am unaware of the people around me. Its odd, and I'd hate to think I'm the only one who does this. I would also hate to think that my past really is more real to me than the now. I'm wasting prescious time lamenting and laughing over past jokes, that I'm not really enjoying the company I keep. Mayeb thats why i get so bummed when friends leave. I'm just collecting them to help me remember good old times. A lot like teh crazy old actress on Sunset Blvd... surrounding myself with old pictures to make me forget I've gone forward into uncharted and unfriendly territories. Myabe what i need is a bucket of cold water poured over my head. Or, I just need to look up with eyes open, and not glazed.
11:30 AM - 0 Comments - 0 Kudos - Add Comment - Edit - Remove | |
January 5, 2006 - Thursday  | Parousia I am beginning to understand the true meaning of "Parousia" - being caught up with Christ when He returns - during these last couple times of worship. As we have times of worship I feel as though I'm being lifted up. I am indeed being caught up in the Spirit of Christ in His coming. And if this is just a taste, then what will it be like on that day and in that moment?! 12:00 PM - 0 Comments - 0 Kudos - Add Comment - Edit - Remove | |
 | Psalm 4 Who can give me greater plaesure than You, Lord? What is giving me greater pleasurer than You? It is idolatry and blasphemy to think anything can give me anything I lack. You, alone, give me the desires of my heart - You give me those desires and fuel my longing. Without You, I want - but with You I lack nothing save the wonder fo seeing You face to face, and that is fleeting.
Psalm 4:7 "You ahve given me greater joy than those who have abundant harvests of grain and wine."
Only God can keep me safe.
 | Currently reading : The Kite Runner By Khaled Hosseini Release date: 27 April, 2004 | 8:58 AM - 0 Comments - 0 Kudos - Add Comment - Edit - Remove | |
January 4, 2006 - Wednesday  | Nashville is amazing This time in Nashville has been amazing. I've enjoyed being here so much. The city is beautiful anf so great. The people I've met here are wonderful. God is so awesome. In my family group of 9 we have so much in common personally, and relationally, The four of us, Derek, Tyler, Andrew and myself, have gotten along great and we are learning so much.
11:55 PM - 0 Comments - 0 Kudos - Add Comment - Edit - Remove | |
 | At passion 06, in Nashville... Where do I go from here? What can I do to keep the passion alive - this passion to change and to be changed? As long as I have breath, I want to seek hard after my God and be happy in the surety of my faith and His promises. I want to leave all of my past behind me, leave all of my "holes" alone, drop the shovel and cling to the kindness that leads to You and Your glory. Father, thank-you for the promise that Your mercies are new each morning. I want to start again. I want You more than life.
 | Currently listening : How Great Is Our God By Passion Worship Band Release date: 12 April, 2005 | | |
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