October 26, 2006 - Thursday  | I did not steal from Vanilla Ice I learned today that if you don;t make the holes big enough in the top crust of your apple pie it will rise like a soufflee. Under pressure from all the good boiling will just make your apples expand. Sure I could go on and make the analogy of how we need to find holes in our day to day lives so we do not expand from all the pressure, but I'm not gonna do it. I think you all are smart enough to figure it out on your own.
11:30 PM - 0 Comments - 0 Kudos - Add Comment - Edit - Remove | |
October 24, 2006 - Tuesday  | Courage "Courage," said Slikisteinsauga, "you are seein the land as it really is."
After having surveyed the land, I wonder how easy it was to bring a bad report. How easy was it to disregard all that they had seen before, and not listen to the voice in their heads saying: "It's gonna be ok". Maybe its easier to go against God in numbers. I know better than that. I don't need anyone else to be around me to totally forget God is there.
Do not be afraid.
11:45 PM - 0 Comments - 0 Kudos - Add Comment - Edit - Remove | |
October 19, 2006 - Thursday  | Dear Jesus, make me a bird... Dear Father, You are in Heaven, and I am not. Please do not allow me to act in anger.
I've had some better days.
11:42 PM - 0 Comments - 0 Kudos - Add Comment - Edit - Remove | |
October 16, 2006 - Monday  | my baby

Lily and Mum are coming home today, and all things are going well. Well, except maybe Claire. We had wondered what Claire would be like with the baby. Though she shows strength in many things, her main problem is keeping her strength in check. Not the gentlest young lady I've ever known. And then, there is the possessive issue... she's been the only one for a bit, so how would she share? Well, we're teaching her to be gentle. But thats not the hard part. The hardest bit would be teaching her to share "her" baby. She wants to hold her, but doesn't want anyone else to hold her. She wants to feed her, and wnats to be the only one to do so. "Lily! My baby!" the cries are heard troughout the hospital room. But maybe this will only occur on the 9th floor of Harrisburg Hospital. Maybe we'll bring her home and things will kinda wind down to where they have been... Or maybe they'll be completely different. 7:59 AM - 5 Comments - 6 Kudos - Add Comment - Edit - Remove | |
October 14, 2006 - Saturday |
October 11, 2006 - Wednesday  | a baby update as of right now, we will have two more babies before the current one decides to show it's head... Apparently, she has wrapped her ankles aroumd my wife's ribcage.
But otherwise, things are good. Here's a questions for you all... if you could have a theme song, what woudl it be? Do you have songs that you hear in your head for certain days or moods? Or, when you run, if you wanted to run, what would be the song everyone heard as they saw you go down the street?
4:08 PM - 2 Comments - 2 Kudos - Add Comment - Edit - Remove | |
October 4, 2006 - Wednesday  | soon... So, in any moment, any day, I could possibly be a father again. My wife is like a bomb that could propel life at any moment. She's not due until next friday (13th.. oooooo), but we both are pretty anxious and ready. And much like I did with Claire, I wonder how God is knitting in there. Did He use golden thread or brown for her hair? From what part of the spectrum isHe painting her eyes? What words of comfort are being whispered into her ears even now?
7:50 AM - 1 Comments - 2 Kudos - Add Comment - Edit - Remove | |
October 3, 2006 - Tuesday  | a direct quote Here is a direct quote form my TSS training yesterday:
"Mental health patients are not stable."
I don;t think it was meant in any derrogatory way. But its still funny. Of course, I wrote it down rigth away and would chuckle to myself at different periods throughout the day. That and the image of my daughter dancing to Sexy Back in her car seat. Priceless.
8:15 AM - 0 Comments - 0 Kudos - Add Comment - Edit - Remove | |
September 26, 2006 - Tuesday  | the evolving love "Poetry replaces grammar, gospel replaces law, longing transforms obedience, as gradually as the tide lifts a grounded ship."
~ Lewis The Weight of Glory
As I re-read Lewis, I find myself buoyed against the stuff that tries to bring me down. The written can not be dead, seeing how ti gives me life. Daily I am refreshed as I read His Word. Encouragement and love are pured into me, a broken vessel, so that I may be healed and shown how to love and encourage others. If I did anything to just allow myself to be encouraged and felt loved, then I would indeed be a clanging cymbal.
9:27 AM - 0 Comments - 0 Kudos - Add Comment - Edit - Remove | |
September 25, 2006 - Monday  | Today was boring I started my classes for Guest Teacher today. Fun fun fun. This what I saw: 1) A woman too polite to raise her hand when she had a question. 2) A man doing needlepoint as we talked about kids who couldn't stay on task. 3) 5 questions unrelated to the topic at hand while the instructor tells us that most kids sufferring from emotional problems will usually try to distract the teacher from the lesson. 4) The man has now put down his needlepoint and is doing crosswords.
Yeah, and theres more tomorrow. It's better than TV.
7:21 PM - 0 Comments - 0 Kudos - Add Comment - Edit - Remove | |
September 24, 2006 - Sunday  | whilst watching tv I was up late on friday night and caught a bit of the interview with the two guys who created South park. They were talking about all the troubles they've had, and most are not from Christians. Trey Parker said something kinda amazing though, and struck right between the ears. They were telling how in one episode last season they had an image of Muhammed, the prophet and founder of Islam, and they got a lot of heat for it. So much so, they were told by executives at Comedy Central that they were not allowed to do it again. Trey Parker then went on to say how we truly do not live in a religiously tolerant society. He said things are kind of on their heads. They can do whatever they want to Jesus, and they have (he carries guns, gets into punching matches and even poops on pictures of presidents), but they can not even show the face of Muhammed. He then notes that a truly religous tolerant society is not afraid of ramifications by pointing out the faults of other faiths. A truly tolerant society is not afraid of stepping on toes, but has to really be ready to defend itself and be in converstaion with other faiths. This reminded me of a class I took at HACC that was called Comparative Religion. It really was "Bash Christians". Christianity was portrayed by the teacher and the books we read as an intolerant religion were members were exclusive to their own society set. It's unfortuante to think that there are some who see Christians as such. Instead, they see Hinduism, Islam, Buddhism and the rest as highly tolerant, a faith where everyone gets to heaven. But this is not true. Religions are inherently intolerant of others. If they weren't, why would there be so many? Like a salesman's pitch, one has to be able to guarnatee something or there is no reason to be believe in anything. And what about Christianity? What makes it so different? I think along the lines of a famous Lewis quote that it is Love that seperates true Christianity from the otehr world religions. And I think that the co-creators have something right, when they see us, the world as being intolerant to each other's faiths. Perhaps, this is why are given patience. Not so we can wait for others to change, but so we can wait with them as they weigh the evidence of their own faith.
4:17 PM - 0 Comments - 0 Kudos - Add Comment - Edit - Remove | |
September 22, 2006 - Friday  | apples Picasso had his blue period. Van Gogh had sunflowers. Sargent had a myriad of portraits. I apparently have apples...
8:23 AM - 0 Comments - 0 Kudos - Add Comment - Edit - Remove | |
September 20, 2006 - Wednesday  | Isaiah "Only in returning to me and waiting for me will you be saved. In quietness and confidence is your strength."
Isaiah 30:15 Does my longing for approval of others get in the way of my pleasing God? -Of course. How can it not?
Quietness and confidence. Waiting actrively and seeking Him.
Save me from my jealousies, and from my own ill-planning. Help me to find rest in You and to be confident in the truth you bring. Help me to stop talking just to fill the quiet void. Help me not to see it as void.
6:30 PM - 0 Comments - 0 Kudos - Add Comment - Edit - Remove | |
September 19, 2006 - Tuesday  | possession... "O God, you are my God, I earnestly search for you. My soul thirsts for you, my whole body longs for you In this parched and weary land where there is no water."
Psalm 63:1 My plea for my God is not a cry of possession. It is more than a three year old's tantrum over some toy taken, a not willing to share. It is the cry of obsession, of longing. How I long to be where, in that place where I first heard You call my name. I can never get enough of You. All of life reminds me of Your presence, and I chase You, only to feelt he wind racing through my fingers. Who can hold You? Who can lay their ownership on You?
You have set me free, yet I am a slave for You.
The leaves are falling now and I wish I could shed my skin so I could stand in Your presence. "Here I am, send me!" One day I will see You, and my longings for You and for my "Turkish Delights" will be satisfied. I will no longer stray. But, I do not want to stray now. I want the peace that satisfies, and the satisfaction that brings peace.
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September 15, 2006 - Friday  | Not accidental, really " He died for our sins, just as God our Father planned, in order to rescue us from this evil world in which we live. That is why all glory belongs to God through all the ages of eternity. Amen. ... But then something happened! For it pleased God in his kindness to choose me and call me, even before I was born! What undeserved mercy!"
Galatians 1:4-5&15 I am never more astounded by God's grace and mercy, His infinite love for us, saint and sinner alike, as when I've remembered it. Its as if the light is turned on again and I can really see with all clarity all the wonder and marvelousness of my Father. It's as if Ive awoken, roused from my slumber, to see a new sun. Though I've seen it the day before, the night has been long and dark. And all I can do is stare. | |
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