Thursday, September 29


To what extent am I a minister already? Christ indeed very focused on His task. Am I? What more could be doing that would be part of who God has made me to be? What things am I doing that i could stop?
Little distractions, thats all they are, these thigns that "so easily snare adn tangle". But God does not give me more than I can handle, right? Well, if this is so, and it is, I do believe, than all of my distractions, these pieces of glass that hang and draw my eye back to myself, are part of the things that are my ministry, part of the work Christ has for me. It is not so much that they are there to be a part of my work, but just that they are.
Liek that guy I pass who is broken down on the highway. i automatically am concerned not for his safety or his well-being, but for the fact that I am running behind and that I have somewhere to be. This little mirror shows me what is wrong with me, more thna it does what's happened to him (which is obvious, his car is broken). I do not know if he needed help, but then I never stopped to ask.
So, back to more intorsepction, how much mroe do I have to be in order to be a minister? And will the next time I see a guy broken down on the highway, or a woman crying in a Wal-Mart parking lot, be any different?

Tuesday, September 27

these last days...

Well, it goes around. Most know this cycle but only a couple can really call it a struggle. Most just call it life and most would just succumb. But I'm called to be something different. Right?
I rise up but I fall, and then I walk a bit in the Light, knowing thats where I should be. but I knowingly turn away. its my choice, and I'm aware of it. Yet, it's always the same pattern. I am left alone - rather I leave Your sight to go to places I know I shouldn't, and look at things I know I shouldn't.
And to what end? Where will this all lead me except from the safety of my Saviour's arms and eyes. It is there I am safe and it is there I am truly wanted.
But how willingly I trade my trip to the shore for mudpies. I know the truth but find it hard to apply to my life - and so easily I try to fit others through it, as if they are play-doh and Christ is that molding machine. How can I possibly lead others where I so easily run away from?
I just need to stay focused on the path set before me, knowing the truth and pursuing "hard after You".