Thursday, October 29

Rules were made to keep the right things sacred

This morning I went to hear Gordon MacDonald speak at my school. So, grabbed my Starbucks togo cup filled with London Fog and headed off to school. I went up to the balcony and took my seat. Seconds later, an usher came up to me and asked if I could finish my drink on the steps out of the chapel area.

I was kind of perturbed. My cup is really big, and I had planned ahead by bringing it. I'm not a gulper. I drink my tea. I enjoy it. And so I brought my tall red cup, so familiar to those that know me, so that i could drink it throughout the morning. And it had a lid. I'm not a spiller but am cautious.

I was thinking ahead.

But here, I was denied. I mourned for my tea, but knew that I should probably not argue or rock the boat. Perturbed, but not weighed down. Its just a cup of tea. A really good, well-looked forward to cup of Early grey with milk and just the right amount of vanilla. So, I put my tall red cup on the table outside of the chapel, and went inside.

When I came back out after the first session, I was ready for my cup. But where my cup was had been replaced by a tablecloth, and cookies and coffee pot and cups and plates and donut holes... Where was my cup?

I turned to the usher, who seemed to have been waiting for me:
"Don't worry, your cup is right here."
and she pointed at the really old antique desk that sits just outside the chapel.

It took me really by surprise. I almost want to say incredulous. My tea was barred from the chapel to make sure the chapel stayed nice looking, I'm assuming. But no one cared about the antique desk that sat with the antique Bible and the antique glass lamp that sat on it.

It seemed weird to me that they were willing to protect the carpet of the chapel on one side, but not the desk. What makes the chapel space more valuable than where someone may have studied the Word, preparing for their sermon, or just doing daily life? Maybe they were so concerned about following one rule that they could not recognize the value of something outside of their domain.

Thursday, October 22


Here is the prayer I presented last week in chapel:

Father, Holy One,

You are mighty and awesome, beyond our understanding. Infinitely above us, you have ordered all life and nature to bring you praise!

Thank you for who you are.

Thank you for drawing us to you, for being intimately close. Thank you for being the light in dark places, and the one who readies the soil.

We need you, and confess our need to you now.

You are Life Giver. You have heard our cries for mercy, and while we were far off you came to us. You redeemed us from hands that were too strong for us to master. You touched our limbs and from our grave, we danced. You have touched our eyes, and now we see. You have touched our lips, and now we sing. Thank you, Father.

You are our Redeemer. Ransoming us, you have called us to follow You and you have made it possible for us to do this. Thank you, Father.

Son of David, Lord Most High, Jesus, have mercy on us. You became nothing, making yourself a servant, we are humbled by such knowledge. We are silenced by such love. And by calling us, and making us alive, we run after you. As we turn our collars to the cold and damp, we turn to the reminder of the warm season that means new life, your resurrection. Let us be made radiant in You.

Consuming Fire, Holy Spirit, give us words to speak praise. Give us eyes to see where you are working. Open our stopped up ears to hear the cries of those around us in need that we may help. And give us fast limbs that swing into service and to outstretched praise.

We ask help for the needs amongst us. For those sick, may we be healed. Let us find peace in you. Let us truly understand what it means to be pursued by you.

Thank you for hearing us.


Tuesday, October 20

it's been awhile...

It's been awhile since I posted on here. Guess nothing clever or witty has occurred in my life lately. hmmm.

My hair is acting goofy. Very Edward from Twilight -ish.
I can't brood or shimmer in daylight to save my life.

That's all I got. Gotta get back to my paper.