Well, it's fall and that can only mean one thing: I'm running a race of some sort.
I caught the bug two years ago when I ran the Marine Corps Marathon in DC. It's tough to shake it once you get it. I think the only sure way to break free of it would be to irreparably break my legs. And then I'd hire someone named Dragon to carry me across the line.
This year, I'm running with a group. A pack. A herd of people from Devonshire running a various assortment of distances: 1 is running the full marathon; 5 are running the half marathon; & 2 are running the 5 k. As we each finish, I'm sure we'll make our way over to cheer on the marathoner... it is a joy to see them finish. And sometimes to carry them.
Well, this year, the gaggle of us have decided that our running should be worth something. You know, you finish these things and you get your mylar blanket and your medal, and though a feeling of accomplishment is great, what has it mattered? So, we decided to run to raise money for WorldVision's efforts to dig wells in Africa.
After a race, all you want is to sit down and to have a drink of cool water. What a blessing it is for us to live a part of the world that water is abundant & CLEAN! The organization that we are raising money for uses vast resources in order to dig wells in Africa, so that the children and families there have a chance at a healthy life. They walk miles a day to get water from ditches that is not fit to be our sewage.
If you would like to sponsor us, please give here: http://www.firstgiving.com/dmcteamworldvision. If you cannot give at this time, please keep us in your prayers.