Tuesday, June 30

Please, be advised of the cops in the area. Given the chance they will ruin your family's vacation

Last night at the Hilton, two guests approached my co-worker and I at the front desk and asked us if we we knew of all the speed traps in the area. I answered that we knew that the cops were usually around. From our vantage point on top of the hill we can see flaching lights most nights as they target nearby 322.

"Well," the guest continues, "you should really warn people. My wife got pulled over down the hill here doing 55 in a 35 - it can really ruin a family vacation."

This took me by surprise. Not really sure how to respond, I apologized (kind of) by telling them that it was unfortunate. But, seriously? When do I have to remind people to follow the law? Its not my responsibilty, nor is it a kindness or a function of hospitatlity to make people aware of the places where they could get caught by not following the law. I generally do not expect people to break the law. If I told people of these traps, wouldn't it be a bit demeaning, as if I'm expecting them to break the law? Or, it would reveal my heart as someone who probably does break teh law a bit and need to point out to otheres where they could get caught.

To this gentleman, I had played a part in ruining their family vacation by not having a low expectation for their behaviour, or trusting that they could read signs along the highway. If they had known that the policeman was going to be there, they would have had the decency to slow down before they were in radar range.

Sorry, my bad, New Jersey couple. Next time, I promise not to expect too much.

Friday, June 26

Reasons I don't read the news

Here are some of the reasons I don't read the news, in ascending order, backwards:

7) Is any of this actual news? Some of these stories are no more than shocking family dramas, which are no more than gossip, really.

6) I'm not addicted, but I am. I feel drawn to it, to find out about things that preety much don't concern me.

5) I do enjoy reading the comics, but I can do that online.

4) After I read the news, I'm not happy that I did it, or do I feel that I spent my time doing something worthwhile.

3) Print is dead.

2) Is any of this really worth my attention? Pop and fuzz show the state of the culture, and though I am apart of it, I am somewhat removed. Is any of this worth my attention?

1) The world is fallen and as much as I am aware of it, being barraged by the beatings and death of children just makes me want to flee it and cry for it more than I think I can bear.

So, I'll stop reading the "news", and "Come quickly, Lord".

Sunday, June 7

Upon passing a billboard somewhere in PA, on my way home...

We passed a billboard on our way home today from the UB National Conference, somewhere between Harrisburg and Clarion, PA. It had been a long van ride, and I hadn't been looking outside the van a whole lot but was rather napping. Anyway, we had just eaten at Applebee's and we had still a large part of travel time left on our way home and on the left side of the highway there appeared a billboard with clouds and fire asking this question: "Where are you going, Heaven or Hell?" And then there was a website to somewhere, but we had gone passed it before I could catch what it was.
Its a question that reveals much about the thoughts and philosophy of the church or group that posted it. Its a question that reveals the heart of the matter for this group. It reveals where they miss the mark.
Our hope is built on more than escaping Hell's fire or the comfort of Heaven - it is built on the righteousness of the Son of God and on being called by Him. What more do we have? Was Abraham or Moses ever promised a life of cool repose in a land far from the tongues of Hell? No, they were given the promise of redemption so eloquently inspired in Job: "Though my flesh may be destroyed, yet with my eyes I will see God; For I know that my Redeemer lives, and I will be standing with Him on that day!"
Cause what does it matter to gain the whole world, even escape Hell and achieve Heaven, if Christ is not there? If Jesus is in the desert, that is where I will gladly go if just to be with Him, to see His face, to hear His voice.

Thursday, June 4

The Law is in my way....

Deut 6:4-9

Does the law get in my way? Is it in my focus? This thing of great value, spoken from the lips of the Father, in order to establish His ways in our wayward hearts. To challenge us, and to reveal how far we are from Him. This is no small or trivial thing.

How else can we know God? Can we even know our Saviour, let alone our need, without such a thing?

The Law must be in my focus. Knowing the person and nature of God must be my focus, must hold my attention. To make Him known, I must know Him. To have His heart, I must know His heart.

By knowing Him, I will be changed. How can I not? And from this change I will be effective in His work - as a minister, as a parent, as a man trying to be who and where my Father needs me to be - to the good and glory of God.