Wednesday, August 27

Col 3:2

Too much of my thought life is focused on things other than those of the heavenly - centered on Christ.  And to what end?
- Destruction

The wind just does what it will in regard to this tree I'm sitting by.  The tree just flutters and bends and waves its branches because it does.  Its helpless to the actions of the wind.  It cannot tell the wind what to do, where it will go or how fast it will go where it needs.
And here I sit observing the actions of the wind yet not really aware of it.  I'm more observant of the tree which is affected by this invisible force, the thing to which the tree allows itself to be affected.  The tree gives itself tot he wind, and I sit more mindful of the effected than the effector/motivator.  

Am I really so ever mindful of the obvious, the observable, rather than the great moving force that causes such a chorus of swaying trees?

Wednesday, August 6

Who's convinced you to be silent?

I am using a daily devotional I love.  Its called Solo, and it is a lectio based reading of the Bible which uses Peterson's The Message: Remixed, and I do like it.  It really helps me focus each day and really helps when I find myself struggling for what to pray for.  I do recommend it if you are looking for a devotional. 


Today's was good, and it got me motivated in ways perhaps it did not mean to.  It was just a hypothetical but I wonder how hypothetical it seems.  Based off of 1 Chronicles 16:7-36, "David's Psalm of Thanksgiving", the writers ask, "If you could shout this psalm from anywhere in the world, where would that be? (it might be on a specific mountaintop or by a certain waterfall or even before an international group, such as the United Nations)".  This seems a dolt of a question.  As the redeemed and liberated people of God, what makes us think we don't have this opportunity to shout praise to the Lord Almighty?  Who has convinced us otherwise?

Our lives should be our song, and our words the resounding chorus of such praise!  Our words and actions, made alive and given meaning in Christ, should stir others to "Sing to God, everyone and everything!"  All this in our everyday, humdrum, but God-given normal days.  We don't need to pretend to be somewhere else or that we are more important than we already are.  Just our everyday lives are glorious praises.

Who has convinced us otherwise?  

Saturday, August 2

Henri Nouwen is a smart smart guy

"At every moment you have to decide to trust the voice that says, 
'I love you.  I knit you together in your mother's womb'."
~Henri Nouwen

As of this afternoon, I have been married for 5 years.  Yep, the five big ones.  Its incredible and amazing.  Also amazing, I think, is that on my wedding day I started to write in my third journal.  I thought that it was symbolic of my new life with Heather and my new adventure with God.  Well, as of tomorrow I will have filled my fourth journal to the brim and need to start a new one.  Its amazing, looking over the pages I have scrawled in just who I am now in Christ.  He has brought me so far, and in so many ways further with Heather than I could ever have gone alone in my walk.  
She is such a blessing to me and I am reminded daily of how much she cares for me.  After 5 years, I still see that beautiful shape that greeted me after the long procession to the altar.  I am overwhelmed by all that she is to me and would imagine my life lacking had I not known her.  
And so the Henri Nouwen quote.  It took me a while to trust God and to follow Him, even into dating Heather.  There were so many things going on in my head.. but to let go and to trust Him, the one who made me, knows me so well, and loves me despite.  So ever thankful.