Friday, February 29

Leap Day

I have been wrong, if even slightly. For years I have read incorrectly, with my eyes and ears and not with my heart and mind. Not on all occassions but if even once then wrongly. In doing so I have been grasping for straw in the Word and I have missed the down and the wool, and so I sleep on a mat of uncut ruffage instead of the comfort and freedom Christ would have for me.

This passage, John 3:16, I have misread and, so, misused. I have read it as though it only pertains my life to come and not the present blessing my Father would give to me. This passage is not about, so much, future blessings but about the changed life now. It is about my reaction to being loved by the Father, made innocent by the Son, and being renewed by the Spirit.

Let me not be as I am, but may I be made evernew - Alive in the love of the Father.

Wednesday, February 20

Long live Kosovo, or some form thereof

So, there is another country in Europe.  Apparently it was hiding in the southern regions of another country.  Its odd to me that this just kind of happened.  I know it didn't happen this way in all actuality.  I know that there were these Albanians plotting this for awhile, but it just seems like it came out of nowhere.  It was like everyone was just minding their own business and, poof!  there it is!  

Here is a better example of how "all-of-a-sudden" it seems:
There once was this camel who was walking through a desert.  It was thinking about how hot it was.  How really hot it was.  It just needed a drink of water.  In the distance was an oasis.  This oasis seemed so far away.  But it knew it could get there.  It had hope.  This Camel's name?  Miguel.

Do you see how random it was?  Just out of  nowhere, Kosovo appears.  Unexpected for everyone except Kosovo, which has been biding its time in the shadows.  Waiting to yell, "Surprise!  We're here now and you need to recognize us."

And leave it to the Russians to say, "Niet".  
Of course, we're gonna be cool with it.  Americans love surprises.

Monday, February 18

a follow-up to that second topic from the post about the guy singing in the stall...

Well, it turns out that that guy who likes to sing while doing his business is in my class tonight...

How do I know, you ask?  

the sneakers.  


Two totally unrelated events

This last week, I had no idea what to do for small group.  I thought about just going through a Psalm, or maybe part of a book, or a chapter/page from a devotional, but really was lacking the initiative to do any of those.  I asked Brent and Crystal, to members of our group if they had any ideas, and if they thought of a couple if they could just let me know.

Well, Brent just so happened to have a copy of Most.  If you have the chance to watch this 30 min long "modern-day parable", please do.  I was lying on the McClintock's floor crying as I was reminded once again about our total lack of understanding of the power and the glory of the Cross.  In the words of Stanley Grenz, all we can do when confronted by it, is just to stand in awe.  That overwhelming feeling that maybe your life matters, and maybe you shouldn't let yourself get in the way.  

Lent, what an amazing time.  This time of year reminds me of what CS Lewis called the Deep Magic, its inexplicable, its a hunger that somehow has to be appeased.  So, you have to give it your all.  And you do it not because it is required, for the requirement has been met.  You give and you give because what else can you do in response to it?  

And on a totally unrelated topic, and I hope this does not detract from anything I put into what was written above...
SO, I have class tonight at Messiah on the fourth floor.  Which may not mean anything except I think the person in the middle Men's room stall probably didn't think anyone would bother him.  So he had no problem singing along to what ever music device he was listening to (I wasn't really looking to see if it was an iPod, or a discman, or a Zune).  And by singing, I mean singing.  Belting out some song, that was definitely of the Taking Back Sunday variety.  But I definitely caught him off guard.  I thought about just hanging out by the door to see if he would resume after I had left.

Tuesday, February 12

Idol idyllic question

In this year's American Idol competition, there is an Irish chick, and an Australian guy... Can we allow two nationals to win AMERICAN Idol?  I know they have Australian Idol, and I'm pretty sure Pop Idol is still on in the UK, so what gives?  Could they not make it back home, but here their accents are charming and endearing, so they're in!  


But, maybe this is what America great.  Anyone can make it.  
Even those who could not make it back home... even if they do come from some of the best places for people with accents.  

For those of you who missed out, you missed a great day today.  Well, maybe just a really great couple of minutes.  Specifically, somewhere around 7:15 P.M.  this evening.  Its an amazing time.  Wait until the next snowfall, a pretty big one, like today's, then wait until about 7:15.  Put on some boots and some long pants, and possibly a coat and a hat, and just go out on your stoop.  Its so quiet.  Its never this quiet.  A calm serenity, and yet the air just seems warm and full.  Expectant.  No breeze.  And full of movement.  When you move, it breaks like a hot knife through plastic wrap, and you need to move.   But then its broken and you start shoveling.  

Tuesday, February 5

40 crazy days and nights

I'm not supposed to do this, but I'm secure enough to let you know this...

I'm giving up soda for Lent.

Dah dah daaaaaahhhhhh!!!!!!!

I worry that I am way to attached to my little dark friend.  How do I know I am a little too attached?  Well, I find myself pining and longing, my palms get sweaty, and I look forward to the time when I can put that aluminum edge to my lips and taking a sip.  

I know, sick.  
And so here is my thought to kick off my Lenten adventure: freedom.  
I do not want to give up coke because I know it will take pounds off of me (this I remember from last year) nor do I do this because of some knowledge of its harm to my teeth (I usually drink tea instead, anyway).  I do it because I want nothing to stand in my way as I pursue Christ-likeness.  Is it a sin I want to get rid of?  If I choose Coke over Christ, than yes.  Do my palms sweat in anticipation of Christ more than when I need a Coke?  Do I look forward to my time with Him as much as I look forward to my Coke habit?  I long for freedom.  I want nothing to hold me back from the race that stretches before me.  

Saturday, February 2

Why do we care about a backwater ground hog?

I hate Groundhog Day.  No real reason.  I find it amusing that there are some that will flood a town to figure out vacation plans from a rodent.  Especially a non-educated rodent.  
Which leads me to wonder if Mickey ever went to college?  What was his major?  Did he just take Art history knowing he would live off of Walt's dime for life?  
And more winter?  Come on, can we really complain?  Its been a nice winter so far.