January 3, 2006 - Tuesday  | John Piper is brillaint I am just going to type the main point of John Piper's talks here. Hopefully it will make you think as much as it has made me think and praise!
"The aim of God in creating the universe is to display the greatness of the glory of God's grace through the sufferring and death of Christ Jesus."
12:59 PM - 0 Comments - 0 Kudos - Add Comment - Edit - Remove | |
 | Claire is sick and I'm in Nashville Claire is sick - she has the flu and is vomitting just as Heather and I were. It breaks my heart that I am not there with her and Heather. I keep thiking of all the things I culd be doing to help Heather so she can sleep and do the things she needs to do. But is not the reason I am here is so that I can be better for them when i am there?
9:56 AM - 0 Comments - 0 Kudos - Add Comment - Edit - Remove | |
 | Still in Nashville... "Every tree that does not produce good fruit will be cut down and thrown into the fire..." Lord, here is my prayer and my desire. I want to be a tree that you blossom and help me to produce fruit for Your infinite glory. I want my blossoms to shout your praises for You are the reason for me. I want to be satisfied in you, and in You alone. Help me in this endeavour. Help me, for Your name's sake, but also for the sake of those around me. Fill my mouth with words to help and to answer. Lord, because You are holy, I want You. Because You are love, I want You. Because You are not me, but are wholly other, I want You. Lord, because You are holy, I need You. Because You are love, I need You. Because You are not me, but are wholly other, I need You. Help me in my need. Find me as I seek You. How can I express myself without sounding as if it were all about me? You are the center. You are the life.
8:30 AM - 0 Comments - 0 Kudos - Add Comment - Edit - Remove | |
January 2, 2006 - Monday  | Passion 05: First session Louie had a great point tonight... amazing, and the man is brilliant, blessed by God, assuredly. From Jeremiah 2.... " When you are caught digging other wells, just put down the shovel. You don;t ever need to put dirt back in the hole - just put down the shovel."
This is amazing to me. So many times, when I know I am doing something wrong, I follow through with it thinking how horrible I am. I just don't stop. But his words are freeing. Why, while knowing I am doing something wrong, do I ever need to try to cover up what I did, or try to "fix" it in my own ways. God's ways are higher than mine, and he is calling me to walk away from the sin that so easily ensnares me. I just have to put down the shovel. All of them. And especially the pick axe I use to loosen the dirt so the digging is easier.
 | Currently listening : Porch and Altar By Charlie Hall Release date: 21 January, 2002 | 11:44 PM - 0 Comments - 0 Kudos - Add Comment - Edit - Remove | |
 | On Psalm 2 "Why do the nations rage? Why do the people waste their time with futil plans? The kings of the earth prepare for battle; the rulers plot together agasint the Lord and against His anointed One. 'Let us break their chains,' they cry, 'and free ourselves from this slavery.'"
Where others find slavery, we find joy and freedom. But whats more, where they find their slavery is in their ownership of us; "let us break their chains". We as God's people became their burden. Why? Partly because there is truth in out life and action and thier truth looks like slavery to those who wrestle against it. Christ's body becomes a stumbling block and a point of contention. By destryingt our faith, they free themselves from measuring themsleves against us. By trying to prove us wrong, they make their actions seem nire normal. By belittling us, they find strength and power. But, oh oppressor, you are oppressed!
8:17 PM - 0 Comments - 0 Kudos - Add Comment - Edit - Remove | |
December 31, 2005 - Saturday  | Evoking a little Death Cab Current mood: blank Well, today is the last day of 2005, and I'm sure everyone wil post a blog today. Today is one of those days that makes you think about all the things that have happened in the past year, either in a) one of those Streisand "Memories" kind of ways, or b) in the "I'm gonna stick to my resolutions!" kinda ways. But I refuse to write such trite. If you think your whole life can change in an instant, you're either a poor planner or have no concept of true change. At least changing yourself... falling in love ( the rel kind, not teh girlfriend/boyfirend kind of junior high love), such as when you see your wife walking down the aisle to you, or when you first see your new born child, or when you realise the deoths our Father has gone to see you, then you change. The real kind, becuase you wnat to change not for yourself, but for them. You want to be better so that they can be better and so that you can be all you can for them. Come midnight, there will be no resolutions for me. Just the cold hard reality fo all the things I've yet to do for those I love.
 | Currently listening : The Anatomy of the Tongue in Cheek By Relient K Release date: 28 August, 2001 | 11:24 AM - 0 Comments - 0 Kudos - Add Comment - Edit - Remove | |
December 29, 2005 - Thursday  | I don't mind telling you... Well, hello. I knwo its been a while, and nto much has happened around ehre recently. I do know that Christmas has passed with much melee adn excitement. And it was a good Christmas... we ahve to build a new room for all the toys my daughter got. It was a grand ole time. But I'll be honest, it just didn't seem liek Christmas. I still get excited and what not, but the feeling of Christmas is gone. I asscocuiate the smell of kerosene with Christmas and winter time because my parents had kerosene heaters in the house. It still can make me homesick at times. but what are the new scents and tastes of Christmas now? I don't know. Maybe I'm still looking for the association and not the realisation. Like the shephards who found Christ that morning, I tell lots of people about it, but what ahppens years from now? You don't really ever ehar what ahppened to those Shephards or the Wise men. Did they look in the heavens for a new star to guide them, or for Angels to come visting? Did they search their dreanms for meanings? Or did they celebrate once a year and remember that one time in their lives when they felt like they had purpose and felt like they belonged? 10:43 AM - 0 Comments - 0 Kudos - Add Comment - Edit - Remove | |
December 8, 2005 - Thursday  | today is the last thursday of my known life Today is the last thursday I will ever have classes as an undergrad. My journey through school is almost done. And last night I ahd that dream.. you know the one where you've gone througha whole semester and you forgot to go tot hat one class that you somehow just didn't see on your schedule. Yeah, that one. And tonight... well tonight I am going to see the sneak preview of The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe! To say I'm excited would be a vast understatement.
 | Currently listening : The Artist in the Ambulance By Thrice Release date: 22 July, 2003 | 10:15 AM - 0 Comments - 0 Kudos - Add Comment - Edit - Remove | |
November 30, 2005 - Wednesday  | Almost done Current mood: happy So, I'm trying really hard to fight off the bad bought of Senioritis... I ahve only a week left of classes before Finals... and then I'm done with ym undergrad. Its so weird to think where I was when I started my college experience. And now, I'm done. Finally. Its time to party like it's 2999! Yeah!
That, and The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe is coming out!!!
¿¿Could this year be any better??  | Currently reading : Basics of Biblical Hebrew Grammar By Gary D. Pratico Release date: 01 September, 2001 | 10:48 PM - 0 Comments - 0 Kudos - Add Comment - Edit - Remove | |
November 17, 2005 - Thursday  | Love // Faith If the love of God taught us through the actions of Christ how to love, does not God's own faithfulness to His creation teach us faith? How can we have faith without God first being faithful to us?  | Currently listening : The Fires of Life By Cool Hand Luke Release date: 25 May, 2004 | 12:56 PM - 0 Comments - 0 Kudos - Add Comment - Edit - Remove | |
November 16, 2005 - Wednesday  | Dogs love cats When I was a kid, I used to think that dogs were boys and cats were girls, and they got married and had litters of kittens and puppies. It just made more sense. Ahhh, life was so much more simple then, and it didn't involve making sense, because it just did. 12:10 AM - 0 Comments - 0 Kudos - Add Comment - Edit - Remove | |
November 15, 2005 - Tuesday  | frown...smile...frown...mouth agape... smile... So, I'm watching this girl fall asleep in my first class today... its distracting. SO much so, that I start to wacth ehr adn take notes on what she is doing. It's like I'm sort of anthropolgist, studying the behaviours of some new culture. Eyes look abit puffy and yet stretched shut, they take on a reddish/purple hue. She rests her head on a propped hand only after failed attempts to just stay awake. SMall, jitterings and flutterings - eyebrows and mouth are the key to this dance. When eyebrows slide down, mouth droops and then the head slouches and tilts down to her chest. When she realises she is falling asleep, she smiles, eyebrows go upward and she tries to maintain the appearance that she is in control of her body. Her body is slowly sliding down in her seat. Being more relaxed, she is now allowing her head to rest on her shoulder a bit. She is going to try to write to stay awake - maybe this will do it. PLays with her hands... rubs her face... it all becomes a cycle.... frown...smile..frown...smile...frown...mouth agape...smile... staying awake is hard when you're breathing like someone who is asleep.  | Currently listening : X&Y By Coldplay Release date: 07 June, 2005 | 12:51 PM - 0 Comments - 0 Kudos - Add Comment - Edit - Remove | |
 | fade to black (slowly close your eyes) I wonder what my life would have been like if I had pursued acting full-time. As a career even. I know that I am not going to, now, but I wonder what if? I did a lot fo the thespian thing in high school. a lot of it. It was my sport (stop chuckling). I also walk by Men's Health magazines and wonder if the guys on the front actually eat... or date. I just see them working out a lot. Maybe they benchpress their dates. hmm, weird. I have thought that this spring I would take the oppurtunity to lookinto local theatre (what there is in Harrisburg (a vapid wasteland of the arts(not including the Farm Show, of course))). I guess we'll see what I have time for. Do people actually get paid for it?
 | Currently listening : Friction, Baby By Better Than Ezra Release date: 13 August, 1996 | 12:33 AM - 0 Comments - 0 Kudos - Add Comment - Edit - Remove | |
November 12, 2005 - Saturday  | hey, I can drive very good, for an American Hey! I got my car back yesterday! YEAH!!! Its an amazing thing, this getting back our car. So much stress is gone. Time that was once gone has now returned. I don't have to walk home anymore. Huh, I don't have to walk home anymore. So I guess I really gotta start settin my mind to bein more intentional about what i do with my time.
 | Currently reading : Shopgirl By Steve Martin Release date: 05 September, 2001 | 12:49 AM - 0 Comments - 0 Kudos - Add Comment - Edit - Remove | |
November 7, 2005 - Monday  | Screaming is good, as long as its directed at no one Current mood: crushed Well, I have had a couple of weeks. These are the kind that you feel each day as one step closer away form the last, which you thank God, but you realise that there is a whole day to get through. Its one fo those moments that last two to three weeks and you see no end in sight. I've cut back my hours at the Robin to only work three nights a week. This means lots of things and I;m not sure how to deal. I know that its probably a good thing, but by doing this, I feel like I have set things back a milion years. Where once I was so close to being done with school, now I feel a huge distance. And its never really about the classes I need, its usually about teh money. How can I continue to be so close to thigns and yet be so far away? This end has been dangling in fornt of me for so long... and now all Iw ant to do is scream. Sceam out to God, hoping that He hears me and takes my prayers seriously. (Yes, I know He does, but I want Him to really know how I feel). It is seldom that I have felt this helpless and alone. I go, day by day, knowing the promises He ahs for me, and knowing that He ill never give more of anything than I can bear... but really, its close this time around. I didn't scream tonight on my way home. I could've. My ride forgot me, again. And I didn;t want ot wake Heather or inconvenience anyone else, so I walked home... and studied my Hebrew the whole way. But what i really wnated to do was just sit down, scream, and then go to bed. But I still ahev work and studying to do, so bed is not for a while.  | Currently listening : Vheissu By Thrice Release date: 18 October, 2005 | | |